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oil over $68 a barral

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by IMHYBRID, Jan 21, 2006.

  1. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius

    If you mean substitutes for alkanes, cycloalkanes, and alkenes, of *course* there are substitutes for the usual petroleum sources.

    It’s just that they are *way* more energy-intensive, and cost WAY more.

  2. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius
    Exactly my viewpoint... if we were worried about running out of oil, we "would" be putting money to the project in a much more massive move than what we see.

    They know we are not out of oil. We can come up with (&(*& billions to fight a war, and *&(*& more to rebuild a 1/3 of our lower coastlines, and (*&(*& for space telecommunications and space technology and to send rockets to pluto.....

    No one wants to put out any money... unless there is a profit... the government cannot cough it up becaue the people would not support it.....
    We want to put away sexual predators for 25 years with our mouth, but then won't do it because we dont' want to pay for them for 25 years "or life", so we let them go back on the streets.

    I hear excuses of people who say "I don't have the time"... or "I don't have the money".... we all spend our time and money on what is valuable to us.

    And like Godiva said.... we are far too comfortable to spend money on the future that could be spent on today!

    I fear a crisis will come before we really get out attention directed towards alternative energy... and yes.. it may be too late too little....

    It is a real fight to battle against the corporate oil companies and make a better cheaper way at the expense of taking money off thier table..... hey your messing with the mafia!.....

    My hat is off to Toyota and I am honored to support them with my purchase of two prius's....... Its just ashamed that someone out of America is not leading the way.

    it took a crowded little country where people are stacked on top of each other like cardboard to value preserving energy.
  3. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    If you add in the environmental costs (proper clean-up and "restoration", loss of in-situ environment) of sand-oil mining, then the price goes way up. Any local Canadians who make their livings based on an intact landscape are screwed too. But what the hey, the mess ain't gonna be left in my (the US') backyard, eh?
  4. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    American voters elected leaders with the wrong backgrounds. We forgot that we need experienced, pragmatic statemen and stateswomen and instead put corporate executive wannabes in power. Politicians are supposed to protect the rights of the powerless but we no longer train them into that mindset.

    On all levels of government, especially the national, we need leaders not managers. Using strategic planning and other MBA skills in DC is all well and good but if a politician lacks character then they will simply follow the letter of their own "laws", lacking the spirit behind those laws that should guide every decision. What kind of "laws" do I mean? For instance, believing that all legislation which promotes and protects business (deregulation, tax incentives, subsidies, allowing lobbyists to buy you trips to Bermuda in order push their agenda, etc.) grows the economy. Growing the economy makes the nation stronger. Therefore promoting and protecting business is always a good thing. Uh huh.

    Transmission of solid good business practice principles - mission statements that encompass the employees as well as the shareholders, going beyond bare meeting of regulation requirements, being good neighbors and members of the surrounding communities, etc - began to falter around 1970. Now we see the effects of the first crop of selfish, self-righteous, short-sighted business trainees hitting not only corporations like Enron and Anderson but also reflected in the scandals surrounding Abu Gharaib and Abramoff.

    Modern corporate executives do not make good political leaders.
  5. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    You are so right! Bush is from oil. As to "We The People" all we get are Republicans that cater to the rich & large corporations. The Democrats are of no value to us WORKING people that just get by. I live in S FL. We got whacked by 3 hurricanes in the last 2 seasons. Last time it was Wilma- gas went right up to $3/gal. Today the best I saw was $2.38/gal. for reg. @ sam's club. That's almost $2.50. So, after Wilma they jacked it up to $3/gal. Then it went down to around $2.24/gal. for a short time. They have been inching it up a little at a time since.

    What we need in Washington are Honerable men & women instead of what we have. As long as there are omly 2 parties we are screwed. We need a new party that will do what's RIGHT for American citizens 1st and always. All the money that's been wasted on this BS war in Iraq could have been used for national health ins., reducing our gas prices, and many other worthwhile expenditures.

    Unfortunately, 2008 looks like same 'ol and Hillary may be the pick for the Dems.

    That means NOBODY worth voting for. It angers me that the US has money for every country on the face of the earth, but not "We The People."

    Enough said. Enjoy your Prius's. When it's time to replace my other car it will most likely be another Prius. Unfortunately, my expenses keep on incresing while my income is flat.
  6. SomervillePrius

    SomervillePrius New Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Somerville, MA
    2006 Prius
    Well put, but we are apperently worried more about boys kissing boys and other important issues then dealing with how the weatlh of this country is spread and how we deal with the poor, old, sickly and weak. We get the leaders we deserve.
  7. Walker1

    Walker1 Empire

    Jan 13, 2006
    2014 Prius
    No, we get what is put up to vote for. It takes large amounts of $$$ to run for almost any elected office. I know. I was going to run for a local political position 2 months ago. You have to belong to lots of civic orgs., know many $$$ people who will back you, have a known name in the area, and then if you're lucky the party you pick may endorse you if they want their current candidate out. If you're an Independant with no party affiliation the $$$ people don't want to know you.

    I was told that $300,000 would be average for the county seat I wanted to run for.

    I learned alot about how & who runs the political races. You really have to do all the above mentioned and a whole lot more to get an elected position of any size. Even in small towns it comes down to who you know and if you have money and/or can get the money people to help your campaign. I now realize why politicians never want to leave office. I mean, it's not work-just a lot of talking, then more talking, then some more, then it's time for another Recess. Who wouldn't want that "Job"?

    The real deal is to get honest people into office who won't be swayed by special interests, big bus., etc.

    Sorry for the rambling.
  8. SomervillePrius

    SomervillePrius New Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Somerville, MA
    2006 Prius
    I respect you trying to run for office and I hope you will find a way. We do need more engaged honest people running. Change start locally I think. I'm suprised how much money is needed even to run locally. $300.000 is a lot of money to raise!

    I also agree that we get the leaders that are put up for a vote but if more people where outraged that money so clearly controls who can run (and who we can vote for) then we should be able to at least improve our system (real campaign reform). But since we are not overly concerned about the fact that money is king to do anything about it then we get the leaders we deserve. That said it's a VERY hard thing to change. I wouldn't eeven know where to start!
  9. Spunky

    Spunky New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
    It doesn't cost a cent to go to town council meetings and other public meetings. Prepare and then voice your opinions. In courteous, well-researched and straight terms, of course. Hit those buttons that matter most: costs (financial as well as quality of life) to the community, future needs and planning, other voters' opinions, basically doing the right things and making wise decisions with the long view in mind. Those in local power do, for the most part, want to hear what the public wants. Really. They just need to be reminded that theirs is not merely a volunteer position or a job, the choices they face affect the entire community.

    Plus, after they hear a couple of your well put-together presentations, the local political $$$ will come looking for you.
  10. andyman68

    andyman68 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
    Columbia Missouri
    2012 Prius
    I've pretty much given up too on having a candidate that I want to vote for in any party. You might check out http://www.lp.org/ I've voted for their candidates in the past as a protest vote and they do have some new ideas.
