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Prius Race Car.

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by kormaster, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. kormaster

    kormaster Junior Member

    Jan 23, 2008
    Playa Vista
  2. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    I'm sure we've seen pictures of this before, but maybe not the video. Thanks.
  3. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog C'Mere Sheepie!

    Mar 12, 2008
    Sanford FLorida
    2008 Prius
    cool! 130.794 mph! I wonder what the mpg was!!:pound:
  4. KandyRedCoi

    KandyRedCoi S is for Super!

    Mar 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
  5. au_prius

    au_prius Australian Prius Driver

    Apr 9, 2008
    2016 Prius
    That's 210.49 km/h - very impressive!

    I have no idea of the MPG but I bet it wasn't all that good :(
  6. sdtundra

    sdtundra Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2008
    Sacramento, CA
    2011 Prius
    i am wondering the same thing
  7. omgitsroy326

    omgitsroy326 New Member

    Nov 3, 2007
    Los Angeles
    2008 Prius
    how fast can the prius got.. stock?
  8. KandyRedCoi

    KandyRedCoi S is for Super!

    Mar 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    when you punch the throttle on the car i think ive seen it go as low as 9mpg

    ive gotten the prius at about 90+mph :D
  9. xsmatt81

    xsmatt81 non-AARP Member

    Mar 27, 2008
    2007 Prius
    I did 107 last week down route 163 here(slight grade down)..very empty road. Isnt top end 112? It was getting a bit jerky past 100 though. My buddy a few years back was a crazy bastard, we where coming home from california in his cobra, guy punched it to 150+..scary fast! He went a good 4 miles at that speed.
  10. inventor00

    inventor00 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2003
    Phoenix, AZ
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Didn't the Orange County Police clock Al Gore's son at 105 or was it 110 in his Prius?
  11. Doc Willie

    Doc Willie Shuttlecraft Commander

    Jun 27, 2007
    Out there, somewhere
    2007 Prius
    I believe that the computer is set to limit the speed to 108 MPH.

    Watching that video, I wanted to paraphrase the old sports announcer joke:

    100 miles per hour !

    110 miles per hour !!

    120 miles per hour !!!

    130 miles per hour -- look at that sonovabitch go !!!!!
  12. David Beale

    David Beale Senior Member

    Jul 24, 2006
    Edmonton Alberta
    2012 Prius
    Well, to be a little more truthful, the car did 128 MPH or so over the measured mile one way and 129 MPH the other way. That's not really very fast, though they sure played it up. Just about any -production- ice only car will do that or more -unmodified-. Including the anti-Prius (2001 Nissan Pathfinder 4WD) SUV and my 1993 RX-7 (which would do 170 MPH +). They would probably burn about 2-3 times as much fuel as the Prius though. ;)

    So the current record is 128.5 MPH + a bit (average of the two trips, and you can see the speeds through the measured mile near the end of the clip - there are two listed, one for each direction).

    I suspect we will see a Lexus hybrid beat that by a large margin. The 600h has a lot of HP!
  13. V8Cobrakid

    V8Cobrakid Green Handyman

    Jun 6, 2004
    Park View, Los Angeles, CA. U.S.A
    2004 Prius
    the prius tops out at 108. you can get it up to 110 with a wind behind you or going down a hill.
  14. mingoglia

    mingoglia Member

    Oct 25, 2007
    Gilbert, AZ
    2008 Prius
    I'm with ya on this one. I was a bit disappointed at 130mph. Seeing as my Jeep SRT8 will hit 115 by the end of a freeway entrance ramp (not that I know), 130 doesn't sound fast. :eek:

    I've had my Prius up to an indicated 108 where it topped out for about a 2 mile stretch. I thought it officially topped out at 104? At 100+ mph it's not uncommon for the speedo to be off by that much.

  15. Brodie

    Brodie New Member

    Mar 15, 2008
    Rhode Island
    2008 Prius
    Wheee! Look at the little Prius go!

    OK, so it's not a rocket, but it's got a tiny little engine....I think 129 mph is pretty darn good!
  16. saminjax

    saminjax Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    Jacksonville, FL
    2008 Prius
    VERY cool! Thanks for sharing. :D
  17. JaviNOS

    JaviNOS Mod Freak

    Oct 22, 2006
    Puerto Rico
    2004 Prius
    128mph is pretty fast for a Prii... better have the brakes for that speed haha

    Its still scary.. I was doing only 60mph when I hit the side rail and wrecked my Prius. :(

    By the way... I'll be selling a few parts go to the Private Sales section.
  18. Wildkow

    Wildkow New Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Here's my story.

    OK before you jump all over me for even suggesting such a topic bear with me a moment.

    First my rant. . .

    Went down to Gardena (LA) in SoCal to take my Real Estate Apprisal test for state certification. I hate driving in LA, I hate taking tests and well just generally I wasn't in a good mood. So after the 4+ hour trip, over $100 dollars spent on gas food, lodging and not much sleep I show up in the morning ready to be tested and . . . What do you mean I'm in the registration computer but not the testing computer? So put me in the testing computer. What do you mean you can't put me in the testing computer? So after all that I can't take the test and now I'm in a really foul mood cause it's only 9 a.m. and I have to do the LA shuffle north out of town on the 405 in late morning grid lock traffic. Not only that but I left late the night before and was in a bit of a hurry to get to the motel. So the trip down to LA was done at an average speed of 75-80 MPH. But look at this; the MFD indicated that I had averaged about 43.4 MPG. Well those aren’t very good results so I thought to H with the MPG I’m going home and I wanna get there fast, so the GW guys can eat my dust! <_<

    Hence the quest to assertain what the worst MPG in a Prius is and the genesis of this story.

    So back at the grid-locked stop and go traffic on the 405. I'm mashing on the go pedal and accelerating up to the next stopped car then jamming on the brakes trying to burn gas. At about the 210 Freeway the traffic starts thinning; so down goes the hammer and I begin my High Speed Low MPG dash home. By Santa Clarita the traffic is really thinning out now! I’m in the fast lane all alone and doing 75-85 mph. But I’m still getting about 42+ mpg and averaging a little over 43 MPG overall according to the MFD. I can do better than that and as the traffic continues to thin I kick it up to 90+ MPH. But now I’m hitting the big rolling hills at the top of the Grapevine and the MPG holds fast. Ahhh Crap! Here comes the down hill and the MPG starts going up again Wth!?! I use all my skillz to keep the engine running and the gas burning but by the time I hit the bottom of the Grapevine it’s up to 45 MPG!

    But I’m in the flats now just north of Bakersfield and there is surprisingly little traffic. So I do 85-90 all the way to Bakersfield where I stop and refill the tank determined to start with a fresh MFD screen and see just how low I can drive the MPG. BTW, the MFD indicated 43.2 mpg and my fill-up calculation indicated 44.7 MPG.

    So now I’m on 99 just north of Bakersfield getting ready to put the hammer down when someone in a Honda Civic passed me doing about 85. I have brand new Goodyear ComfortTreads so I was feeling pretty confident and at about 95 I caught up to and left the Civic behind. I also noticed there was a 10-15 mph headwind! SWEET! I glanced down at the MFD and Wth! I was indicating high 30’s with forays into the low 40’s! Dang! At about 85-90 how can that be although it doesn't look like it I must be in a soight downhill streach? Oops a little gust of wind at 95 can sure move you around in that little Prius so I better concentrate on my driving. Hmmmmm, now that my head has had a chance to cool down and think sensibly there is still traffic on the road. So maybe this isn’t the safest or smartest move and then BINGO! It hits me! Much of the 99 up to Fresno is 3 lane, I’ll stay in the fast lane as much as possible but if there is traffic in the lane next to me when I'm passing a slower vehicle I’ll slow to 75-85 to pass and then jam on the gas again once I’m past. BTW the speed limit on the 99 is 70 MPH. That way it'll be safer and I’ll be using even more GAS! BaHaHahahHAahHahAhHAHaHA! So off we go accelerating to 90-95 mph and then slowing to 75-80 to pass cars in the lane next to me. After about 30 min of this I look at the MFD and it still shows the MPG in the mid to high 30’s and IIRC the average is at 35+! Another thing I notice is that this method really uses the battery and I’m slipping into the purple bars.

    Ahhhh, I see new asphalt ahead and it’s still three lanes so I’m beginning to feel the need for speed! My best is 109 with a slight downhill and that would be nice but 107 the top governed speed would be just fine. The road is smooth with little traffic and I hold 105-107 MPH for what seems like a long time but was probably 5 minutes or less. Stealing some quick glances down at the MFD I see the Prii is getting about 22-27 MPG. I’m guessing an average of 25 MPG at top speed in the flats with a 10-15 MPH head wind. Does that sound right? Anyway I think that is impressive.

    OK so now there is some traffic and I have to slow down for awhile into the 70 and 80’s. After driving at that speed for a little while I glance into the rearview mirror and notice some cars catching up to me. Hmmm, some of these cars are the ones I passed just a short while ago during the 100+ mph run. Traffic is still sparse but it’s in all lanes now and I have to pass cars and trucks utilizing all the lanes. I think I was paying to much attention to the read view mirror and fending the cars behind me off when I get caught behind a 18 wheeler and have to slow to 65 or 70 MPH. Dang, some of those cars get by me and one of them was the Honda Civic I passed just outside of Bakersfield! Ha! His ego couldn’t take a Prius passing him. Well that won’t do, no not at all so back out into the fast lane and for about the next 20-30 miles it was a cat and mouse game finding holes in the traffic to get back around all these guys. But then I notice Wth! These guys are starting to cut me off, speed up just as I pull alongside and force me behind slower traffic and not only that but the Civic guy is cooperating with some guy in a Saab to block lanes!! I remember passing the Saab guy doing abot 105 MPH. The Prius is pretty fast for it's size but it doesn’t accelerate all that well. So some strategy is called for and I fall back and wait for 3 or 4 trucks to line up in the slow lane. I also need the two guys cooperating with each other to line up in a lane. I see my chance ahead when another car, doing about 75 takes the middle lane.. I time it just right and as the car in the middle lane gets to the lead truck I’m doing about 90 and the two guys are lined up in the fast lane. They see that the road in front is clear and they actually slow to the same speed as the guy in the middle lane to block me from making a break-out because the two of them can’t block three lanes! BaHahahahHaHahAha. The guy in the middle lane sees me coming up on him at high speed and being a courteous driver he moves into the slow lane just as he passes the lead truck. I anticipated his move and was at 100 MPH when I flashed by the Civic and the Saab with the pedal mashed firmly to the metal. Throwing caution and sanity to the wind I glance their way as I went past with my tongue sticking out. How Sweet It Is!!! Juvenile? You bet. Fun? Absolutely!

    I didn’t drop below 105 for the next 10-15 miles and I’m sure those guys could have gone faster but they didn’t and my smug factor maxed out since I passed them at 100+ MPH and was still averaging almost 33 MPG!

    Well this has been a long story and I if you stuck it out this long thank you. At the end of the journey my average MFD MPG was 32.7 MPG and I was driving like a madman. I think my average speed between Bakersfield and Fresno was 85-90 MPH all the way with the AC on and a head wind. I never let it go below 75 except going through some towns, during one area where there was road work and a few other brief times. I noticed on several occasion others guys trying to keep up with the Prius but I just took her back above 100 MPH if the traffic allowed and they eventually fell behind.

    So 33 MPG is about the worst a Prius can manage on the highway. If the temps had been lower, or more wind I suppose I could have taken it down another notch or two. But that is another day and time and another story. Well it was fun trying and now you know what the Prius can do at both ends of the MPG scale.

    Happy to be of service.
