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Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by abq sfr, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Re: Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

    Where in the heck did you get all these numbers from? Did you pull all these numbers out of your crack?? Where's the source?? Stating that Toyota did the calculation don't mean squat, link the source. H1 is based on the M998 Humvee which was designed and built by AM General. H1 can last over 300K miles because it's diesel and is built to military specs but even diesels break down and the cost to repair diesels is more than gas. A Piece of junk H2 is based on another piece of junk Tahoe which breaks down by the time you drive it off the lot. Are you one of those dumbdonkey that GM fooled by believing that putting on an H1 looking sheet metal on a Tahoe body makes it a real Hummer? I bet you believe that the H2 can last as long as H1. Also Wth is H3 about? A hummer skin on a Colorado? Is GM trick or treating? I mean seriously? That junk can't carry its own weight if its life's depended on it.

    According to your calculation
    Hummer = 379,000 [email protected] per mile = $784,530 total operating cost. This I can believe because its shitty mileage and shitty reliability.
    Prius = 379,000 [email protected] per mile = $1,231,750 total operating cost?? Seriously?? A Prius costs 1.2 millions to maintain and repair in its life time? You are so full of crap.

    According to my calculation
    Hummer = 379,000 miles/10mpg*$4per gallon = $151,600 total fuel cost in its life time.
    Prius = 379,000 miles/50mpg*$4per gallon = $30,320 total fuel cost in its life time.
    Driving a Prius saves $121,280 in fuel. If a Prius can only lasts 109,000 miles, That means if I drive the same distance as Hummer but in a Prius, With the fuel saving alone, I can buy 3 top of the line Prius at $35,000 a pop and still have over $16,000 to my pocket.

    Driving 1 Prius saves 30,320 gallons of gas over a Hummer. Driving 1,000,000 Priuses 379,000 miles saves over 30 billion gallons of gas. What's more harmful? producing 1 million 1.5kw batteries or producing and burning 32 billion gallons of gas? Do you use a laptop? Do you use wireless keyboard and mouse? Do yo use cellphones? Do you use any kind of wireless devices? Wth do you think power those? God? I can guarantee you there are more laptop batteries in the world than all of hybrid and EV batteries combined. EV and hybrid batteries are the least of your worries. BTW, what about lead acid batteries that EVERY freaking car in the world has? Are you telling me that lead acid batteries are not as harmful to manufacture and dispose than hybrid batteries? When was the last time you found hybrid batteries in a landfill? I can tell you that every landfill has at least a laptop battery and a lead acid battery.

    Look freak, if you're gonna come here and talk crap, you better know your crapt, don't just pull some random crap out of your crack because no one wants your crap. Come up with better arguments then we'll talk.
    2 people like this.
  2. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Re: Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

    Actually I went and checked your facts for you since you're too lazy to do it. All I did was search and came up with Prius Versus HUMMER: Exploding the Myth - The Car Connection First off, the article is over 4 years old and all the misinformation has been debunked. So, if you still believe in the old hybrid myths and live in the 2000's go right ahead. Ohh, by the way, 2012 is less than 2 months away. If you've been in a coma for the last 4 years and just now woken up, there maybe hope for you. After glancing through, this idiot editor is basically quoting other articles, mainly CNW Marketing Research. Another search lead me to CNW site. Wow, real professional there. They haven't done shit in over 3 years. The car connection article got its info from http://www.cnwmr.com/nss-folder/automotiveenergy/Hidden Cost of Driving a Prius Commentary.pdf which if you bother to read it, is basing on 100,000 miles on a Prius vs 300,000 on a Hummer. ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS??? If you're gonna do a comparison, get the right. mile for mile jackass. Wth did they go to school? More importantly, Wth hired them? Does he know math? Last time I checked 100,000 is not the same as 300,000 The reason? http://www.cnwmr.com/nss-folder/automotiveenergy/Why 1001000 Miles for Prius.pdf That excuse is a freaking joke. Really?? People drive their Prius 6,700 miles a year? Who are they kidding? Any one who drove a Prius is hooked the first time. If you have a Prius and a Hummer sitting in the driveway and you got 50 miles to drive for your errands, you're an freaking dumbass if you take the Hummer.
    Then according to this http://www.cnwmr.com/nss-folder/automotiveenergy/107 08 Models Cost Per Mile From Low to High.xls Prius now costs $2.191 per mile while H2 costs $3.621 and H1 costs $5.216 They are all over the place with their calculations. Wth? That was based on 07,08 model year. Where's 2011 MY and 2012 MY?
    If you believe in that article then you're a FREAKING idiot. Go hunt in your H2 and shoot yourself in the foot for all I care. BTW if you want to read the 4 and a half year old "non-technical report" go here
  3. GasperG

    GasperG Senior Member

    May 13, 2011
    2018 Prius
    Re: Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

    HA, HA, nice nickname, Dust to dust report industry average cost per mile is 2.28 $ are they crazy. I know that it's stated in the report that owner of the car doesn't actually pay the whole cost but this number is just plain crazy.

    Lets say a car (not Prius) costs 30,000 $ and in it's life it does 178,739 miles (averege from the report) this is 0.168 $ per mile, even if it does only 15 MPG this adds only 0.2 $ per mile. lets say that for servicing/tires you pay 500 $ per year and only make 10,000 miles a year this adds additional 0.05 $.

    So the owner of the above car will pay "only" 0.418 $ per mile, who pays the rest 80% of the cost? Taxpayers? Car company?
  4. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    Re: Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

    Please don't quote the trolls. After they are reported, a moderator will delete them and all of their posts will magically disappear. When you quote one the post stays in your post, making it harder to clean up the mess.

    1 person likes this.
  5. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Re: Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

    Fixed. Won't happen again. :eek:
  6. dustoff003

    dustoff003 Blizzard Brigade #003

    Dec 27, 2010
    Waianae, HI (Oahu)
    2011 Prius
    Re: Prius vs Hummer? Take that, Hummer!!

    It is all good CD. I think we need an overnight moderator to shut down the trolls directly, instead of letting them run amuck all night it might make clean up and damage control easier also.:rockon: