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Protecting us from Terrorist attack?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Godiva, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    ...and your conclusion about my ultra-liberal affliction comes from? a crystal ball, vacuum?

    Current administration is ultra-liberal with fiscal responsibilities, there goes your labeling.

    People have different disposition to humor, I find this more comical:

    "Fool us once shame on.....no wait, fool you....fool us..... fool us once shame ....we wont get fooled again"

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well, let's deconstruct your first 100 posts (where your total stands as of this writing):
    You joined Priuschat on February 7, 2006.

    You posted all 11 of your total post to the Prius Main Forum in the first two days - and not once since. :rolleyes:
    You have posted once in Other Cars, twice in Fuel Economy, 12 in Environmental, and a whopping 74 in Fred's. Yes, that is 74% of all your posts are in Fred's. Hell, you even beat Mystery Squid for who has the higher percentage in Fred's!!!! :eek:

    82% of your posts are a “reply.†. . . and the vast majority of them have not been what one can describe as friendly.

    Some of your more infamous posts:
    *Good choice, people with racists and fascists ideas fit well on the ignore list.
    *Reply didn't mean to connote any compliment whatsoever. It meant to be a flagrant caustic remark.
    *Gruppenfuhrer Walker1, Zeig Heil. Long live Ãœbermensch! You are truly a homo superior.
    *I was born OK the first time, how many rebirths is it going to take for you to become more understanding and less hypocritical?
    *Quite observant, that spiteful blockhead is nothing less or more just a doofus spin-meister with fascistic tendencies, if not a fascist already, sadly he is incapable of self analysis.
    *yes, your googling skills are very poor. Anyway, forget the Royal Gardens. What do you have to say about the rest of the article???? Anything??? Anything at all??? Didn't think so.
    *dude, you are loosing it, just give up.
    *did I miss something??? did God select speaking to you and not me?
    *fjef, I am sorry, I am not trying to be argumentative, I am just trying to balance the debate.
    *you can't rock as your irrational conduct is a proof of being a victim of dentata,
    your sang-froid is driven by your brain trying to compansate for a lack of ...
    apparently, your penile prosthesis is not fully redeeming the functionality of your brain
    *I pity you and have no inclination to any further rebutals, unless the donor comes around unexpectedly and the transplant is succesful, we will carry on then...
    *short span of memory huh?
    *you're always derailing threads... therfoere trolling, next time start a new topic, perhaps people will respond
    *On the contrary I only rely on guru 'RASHHHHHHH' and FoxNews with hanity and coulter as these are the ONLY existing purveyors of the truth on the planet. I've never heard of Hitler nor Nazi Germany, what's that malron please enlighten me or all of us for that matter?
    *lame BS, conservative independent, hahaha
    *I meant squid, but you may follow as he is your fuhrer, perhaps your brains will render tiny bit of benfit to the study of pathology.
    *yeah, countless amount of mornic posts, great legacy marlon (moron)
    name me one from the forum who actually understands you, other than squid imbecile.
    what a mental acumen? go shoot some "leftos" perhaps that is your last resort GFY
    *Last state of retardation.Let me give you an advice, why don't you seek any physician that might be willing to perform a lobotomy on you.
    *awekaning of a D O L T, even the flag will not help you!
    *Your pathetic attempt to portray yourself as a touched and caring human being comes W A Y too late. If anything, you only dispalyed an incredible arragance, intolerance and fascistic tendencies, including Z E R O capabilities for debating.
    *I only believe that this message is a part of a vast L U N A C Y
    *is this some kind of hypothetical BS you created in your little mind to support your claims?
    *With all due respect Mr Schmika, WHO ARE YOU TO PASS A JUDGMENT on other peoples' lack of logic? Did it EVER occur to you that actually you yourself DISPLAY lack of logic with your cretinous moral judgement? Who are you? a priest and a cop at the same time?
    *Above quoted statement fits F A S C I S T doctrine! Zeig Hail!!! Obergrupenfuhrer Walker1!!!
    *another attempt to derail the thread
    *Seems like your divorce is coming and you will have no one for the Valentine's Day
    *but in this case malorn presented "idiotic name calling" - US hater. He hasn't posted anything related to the thread
    *I think I like the idea of telling him that I hope he doesn't breed
    *Congratulations again. Every time you make a post you are getting more and more ahead of everybody else. You are about to break a ribbon.

    -Some of these post, on their own, may be innocuous, but as a whole they highlight just how pompous and superior your self-image is.

    So dsunman, are you really here for the “Prius Chat†or what?
    Just what do you contribute besides mostly hate and discontent?

    Most of the long timers here took several months or years to shift out of predominately posting in the Main Prius Forum and on to Fred's or elsewhere – due to knowing-it-all ;) :lol: . . . but mostly due to the boredom of seeing the same thing over and over and answering repetitive questions from new folk. You didn't take even one day! The majority of your posts on your first day were in Fred's.

    Your posts are predictable - Liberal and condescending. A superior, condescending, liberal guy. Go figure. :rolleyes:
  3. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006

    It's funny that you actually went over all my posts, it must have really HURT you in the first place. I DON"T GIVE A .... WHAT YOU THINK!!! Label me anyway you want, just remember that many people on PC consider you a backward thinking<span style=\'color:red\'> C H A U V I N I S T
    . You don't have any skills to debate, regretfully you've never engaged into anything other that straight forward conservative narrow-mindedness. Just because you have taken all my statements out of context your supposed skewed judgement doesn't portray me the way you think, unless someone plainly prescribes to ultra conservative philosophy. :p

    If anyone is condescending it must be you, just check your last statments about health issues pertainning Great Britain.

    get a life :p