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Returned Pebblebee

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by bwilson4web, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    I plan to record some data while driving by taking photos of the instrument display. So I went to Best Buy to get an Apple-style, set of ear buds with volume controls which also work as a remote shutter and the sales critter pointed me to a $10, "Pebblebee."

    It comes in a nice package without any documentation but to load the 'app':
    My leatherman tool quickly defeated the anti-theft plastic cover. But loading the app; reading the help file, and; searching the web page did not discuss "Use Photo", a screen button that has to be pushed to save the photo. I might as well use the original shutter 'button' which distracts me from my benchmark drive. I took it back to Best Buy and got the $30 Apple ear buds.

    Apple has its own way of packaging ear buds that make separating the product, $10, from the $20 package ... a puzzle:
    The Apple buds would not work with the extended, protective jack that normally screws into the water-proof case.

    So I removed the iPhone from my 3d party, protective case and found I could insert the mini-jack through the normally, water proof, ear jack cover without screwing up the threads. I'll keep the extension jack to use with my noise canceling ear buds . . . invaluable at bars that mistakenly think loud music makes tequila taste better.

    The Pebblebee documentation describes it primarily as a key fob or iPhone locator tool. With a 150 ft radius, it might be useful for finding our dogs when they decide to go 'walk about.' But they are usually found by driving to where they are barking their fool heads off at neighborhood dogs in their back yards. The iPhone shutter control was probably just an opportunity BUT they failed to implement a single, 'take and save' photo. The "Use Photo" control defeated my purpose.

    Bob Wilson
    #1 bwilson4web, Mar 12, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
  2. RCO

    RCO Senior Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    Other Hybrid
    Loved the monologue, couldn't understand the 'flora and fauna' (Apple and bees), but wish you success. Let's see what you eventually produce for us not-so techie fans. :)