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Saw Fahrenheit 9/11 Today

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Joel, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    There isn't any propaganda in the movie. Sorry to tell you, this administration is that evil. I mean, if he were into propaganda, he could've gone on and on about Bush knowing about the attacks, but it never even entered discussion.

    I promise you one thing - if Bush is re-elected, I plan on emigrating, and personally am going to look into renouncing my citizenship. You may say 'sure, it's words', but I'm dead serious, because I don't want to be part of a country that does nothing while it's leader rapes and pillages the world at large.

    If there is no coup if he's re-elected, I'm gone, close and shut case. Yes, it's that bad in my opinion.

  2. richbyrne

    richbyrne New Member

    May 19, 2004
    New Jersey
    2005 Prius
    I saw the movie at the Savoy Theater in Montpielier Vt. on opening night. While waiting on line I saw 3 04 Prius' crusing by and saw 2 classics parked on the street. I usually don't see one in a day.
  3. Ken Cooper

    Ken Cooper New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    So far, the only naysayers I see on this series of postings are by those who haven't yet seen the film.

    I agree with what our local newspaper op-ed guy said, everyone should see the film knowing full well that it's a biased view and, in some parts of the film, an overly sensationalist view. It should be watched from the perspective of a skeptic and the viewer should wait until the film is over before drawing conclusions. But .. Everyone should see it.
  4. thockin

    thockin New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    San Francisco, CA
    You are, of course, entitled to yuor opinion. However, if you haven't actually seen the movie, then your opinion is both uninformed and hearsay.

    Propoganda, sure. Moore doesn't deny that he has a particular viewpoint. But everything he presents is factually correct. You can choose to believe or disbelieve it, but only if you've seen it. If you choose to disbelieve it without seeing it, you are no better than the rest of the sheep that the GOP relies on to get into power.
  5. thockin

    thockin New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    San Francisco, CA
    I'm right there with you. The sad truth of it is that they (GOP) *want* you to leave. All that much easier to fleece the rest of the sheep.

    I hear Australia and New Zealand are really nice places to live.
  6. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I try to stay out of political debates for fear that the other person will know tons more than I do. However, there are a few things I know.

    When the original colonies were set up in North America, the English government controlled the newspapers. Until they could call themselves citizens of the United States of America, they could not openly speak their minds, practice their religion, or publish their newspapers without fear of repercussion. To ensure that no one ever suffered such oppression again, the Founding Fathers made sure the very first amendment to the Constitution allows anyone, anywhere, as a practicing member of any religion to voice their beliefs in, support for, or disgust with any member of government.

    With that said, when someone burns the American flag, creates "art" that is downright obscene, or runs around naked insisting that they are protected by their "First Amendment rights", I argue. But when someone uses the means at their disposal to question the government, the elected officials, and the laws they enforce, I support their ambition and dedication. And when 1 person can have a larger affect on the upcoming election than the 65% of Americans who won't even take the time to vote, I don't blame the one person.

    I have not seen the movie nor have I seen "Bowling for Columbine". I am not a Bush supporter but I can't say that I love Kerry either. I am fed up with the argument of whether you're on one side of the aisle or the other. (for the out-of-towners, the US Congress is set up with Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other) Personally, I have studied and witnessed first-hand enough foreign countries' governments with real multiparty governments to know that two parties just isn't cutting it. I'm tired of debating topics as though there are binary answers.

    Let's see, there was something else... Oh yeah. We can not blame GWB for everything. The guy has only been in the office for three full years. It takes many years and several presidential elections to get to the point where we are now. Every new president inherits the many of the problems they will eventually be blamed for. This is not an endorsement, rather compliments of what I take away from The History Channel.

  7. Ray Moore

    Ray Moore Active Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Texas Hill Country
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Oh my God. It really wasn't a troll. I hope you see the movie. I'm glad there are movie producers who feel that movies can be religious or political or any other form of expression. I personally like movies that leave me thinking. If a movie makes me want to go learn the truth, all the better. I'm looking forward to this one and also looking forward to Moore's detractors as they try to refute his claims.

    If the press won't raise the issues, someone else must. I think the deregulation of media ownership is the single most dangerous event of the 90s. I personally know one of the leaders and chief beneficiaries of this policy change and he is good man but the FCC and congress should have never let it happen. At this point, if large media conglomerates allow stories to be reported that are truly threatening to the congressional leaders or the administration, they stand to lose their monopolies through reinstatement of the regulations that make it impossible for them to maintain their empires that they have so recently created. The news outlets these days are worthless. Just when the information age promised almost instant feedback from the public, corporatization has silenced some of our finest fact diggers and shifted our news sources to censored fluff outlets.

    I'm grateful for anyone who reports the tough stories and backs them with facts and dares the accused to deny the allegations. If the accusations are false then the profits will be a target of lawsuits. I somehow think that's not going to happen.
  8. LungCookie

    LungCookie New Member

    May 20, 2004
    It's truly a sad state of affairs when you feel your only option is to abandon your country. I know -- I've had these exact same feelings. Ottawa has been calling my name for the past four years. Never before in my life have I entertained such thoughts.

    But the worst thing we could do would be to give up. I tend to be pretty cynical, but even I can see that there is too much worth fighting for in this country to just look the other way and let it be run into the gound.

    Don't give up -- you're needed now more than ever.
  9. whatshisname

    whatshisname New Member

    Feb 26, 2004
    Northern California
    Mercy sakes. Lighten up. People, don't leave the country. If you leave you'll never be around long enough to finally see the light. Michael Moore is a sophisticated bully. He picks on people only when he has an advantage. I'm not talking about Bush or Republicans or Democrats. He made a movie that like minded people will pay out hard cash to see and make him wealthy. Those who don't want to give him money for his tactics are criticised and told to be quiet because they haven't fallen for his line. I think one writer here said something about hearsay. Well, I'd like to remind that writer that many of us have never seen Paris, France or the Pyramids, but we know they are there. I know what MIchael Moore is doing; getting rich by angrifying people. Let me give you who are interested an example of how Moore works. Tonight as a guest on the 60 Minutes TV show Moore berated the so called gun lobby for the inordinate number of deaths caused by guns in this country. Our gunshot deaths number in the thousands while there are practically none in other countries. He's right. He knows the gun lobby isn't worried about him becaue Americans have a right under our Constitution to bear arms just as he has a right to holler about it. What I'm sure he knows and won't do anything about it is our justice system which at the moment is in shambles. Today we have people suffering imprisonment who shouldn't be there and many times more people out of jail who should be in. If Moore wants to go after miscreants he should go after the trial lawyers and their associations. He won't because he knows better. If he starts with them they'll kick his nice person, but good!
  10. thockin

    thockin New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    San Francisco, CA
    Maybe once he gets the HEAD of the beast, he can go after the limbs. Our system is corrupt from the top down.

    If "angrifying" people is what starts the 'revolution', then let's angrify. The "government for the people" is now run by greed, ego, religion, and utter contempt for the common man.
  11. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Again, I think you're 100% off base. I've been angry about this regime since long before I heard the name Michael Moore. He didn't start a revolution through this movie, he's just concentrated all the information in one convenient place. He's reinforcing what we all know to wrong about this regime in our hearts.

    I vocally disagreed and called the consideration of invasion of Iraq a mistake well before it became popular to do so. It may, indeed, have needed to be done at some point, but not when or the way we did it....that's been well proven. This ridiculous search for WMD parallel's OJ's search for the "real killer".

    The sickening "Patriot Act" is nothing short of the revised rules list in Orwell's Animal Farm. Change the rules to suit the personal preferences of those in power while trying to convince the masses it's in their best interest. Such a short sighted point of view will be to all our detriment. The only thing is that I do retain a little faith in the Supreme Court to, eventually, rule major portions of the Patriot Act completely unconstitutional. But that can only happen if the regime changes. If Bush gets a shot to "load the deck" with more conservative judges we might as well put a match to the US constitution as we know it.

    Likewise the prejudicial 'gay marriage' amendment. Never in our history has anything like this so prejudicial been considered for addition to our Constitution. Never was there an amendment outlawing black rights. If, somehow, that purely Christian Right based law passes it will eventually go down as either one of the biggest mistakes in US history or as the first mistake that lead to the downfall of our constitution and rights as we know them today.

    Michael Moore didn't start this thing....GW Bush did. Showing this sickening regime for what it is in a very public forum and giving voice to the millions who've felt this way for a long time is what Moore did.

    And yea, he's gonna make a lot of money--so the F*** what? Sounds like a good solid American Capitalist to me.
  12. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Exactly, Evan.

    So many thousands of Americans and millions of others world-wide knew the second George brought up Iraq - or even back in 2000 before he did - we ALL KNEW he was going to go into Iraq, and for oil.

    Now, after thousands of innocents killed, our nation worse off regarding terror than ever in it's history, the "media" is asking, why? Where did we go wrong, were we actually misled? Was this actually a mistake?

    Of course it F***ing was! We knew that from the start, long before Moore had even an idea to make this film, long before Sept. 11th even happened. But the further the rest of the world goes to waking up to that reality, and the further the right wing f***heads go to discredit the truth and hide it by saying 'f***' to people they don't like and not apologizing to anyone - the angrier we get.

    So, whenever I hear the argument of "Well, Michael Moore's movie is out, but GOD HE'S FAT SO DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" - I get just a bit angrier.

    And, I'm sick of getting angry, I want results. And, if there aren't any come November, I don't know that enough of my anger will be left to continue to fight in a country that refuses to wake up to the most horrible thing it's done in the entire history of our nation's existance. (Special thanks to VP Cheney for all the f***'s in this message - if he can say it without Michael Powell kicking him out of office, we all can now!)

    As a side note, word is Jeb is planning to run in 2008. Get ready for yet another Bush.

  13. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Actually, I don't know that I believe he went in for oil. I think it was more a personal thing than that. I do think the big picture for oil was a bit of an issue, but not as overt as many liberals would lead folks to believe.
  14. pkjohna

    pkjohna Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Manassas, VA
    2012 Prius
    Ah...let the flames grow higher! :guns: It's so hard to distinguish fact from fiction these days. I've been to enough events in person and seen the news stories to follow to know that any reporter or even historian picks and chooses the "facts" to report and is unavoidably biased by his or her world view. I'm reminded of the little parable about the blind men describing their impression of the elephant; each is telling the truth yet none of those truthes give an accurate picture of the whole. I'm sure Ann Coulter and Ted Rall are quite entrenched in their beliefs but I take both with a grain of salt. Michael Moore seems pretty close to the Ted Rall camp. Have you heard the saying that the best lies are those mixed with the truth? As an alternate point of view I offer some material pasted from a source many might consider skewed to the right but the far left posted to date needs a bit of balance.

    ----------pasted from "The Omega Letter"---------
    Allegation: There is no evidence of pre-9/11 collaboration between Saddam Hussein’s government and Osama bin-Laden.

    Fact: New documents signed by Uday Hussein prove that there was a direct, collaborative effort to conduct joint terrorist attacks between Iraq and bin-Laden’s ‘group’ that were, in the words of the Iraqi intelligence document, “initiated by our (Iraq’s) side.â€

    Allegation: The White House ‘ginned’ up evidence to support a case for war.

    Fact: There is clear evidence that until America actually got boots on the ground, that EVERYBODY, from the French to the conveniently amnesiac Al Gore, ALSO expected to find WMD.

    Allegation: Saddam did NOT have weapons of mass destruction because he destroyed them all during the weapons inspection’s regime.

    Fact: There exists the possibility that those weapons may yet turn up either buried in Iraq, or transferred to neighboring Syria or Lebanon. At best, all we know now is that we can't find them.

    Fact: Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction on numerous occasions in the past.

    Fact: In order to use weapons, one must first HAVE them.

    Allegation: The Bush administration did not have Congressional authorization for invading Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

    Fact: Congress authorized the White House in September 2001, to make war on any country that collaborated with al-Qaeda.

    Allegation: The Bush administration used the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to remove Saddam at the expense of the war against al-Qaeda.

    Fact: America made war on Afghanistan in October, 2001. Documents found there linked al-Qaeda and Taliban to Saddam Hussein.

    Fact: America did not go to war against Saddam Hussein until 2003, and after those linkages discovered in Afghanistan had been investigated.

    Allegation: The United States acted unilaterally in invading Saddam’s Iraq.

    Fact: The United States headed a larger coalition of nations when we went into Iraq in 2003 than his father put together in 1991.

    Allegation: The United States ignored the United Nations, and in so doing, defied world opinion.

    Fact: The Oil-for-Food investigation has already established that UN officials, French officials, German officials and Russian officials were being paid off by Saddam Hussein.

    Allegation: The United States was only interested in stealing control of Iraq’s rich oil fields.

    Fact: The first thing the United States restored to Iraqi sovereign control was Iraq’s oil industry.

  15. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    pkjodhna, There are those of us here that would dispute many of the facts listed. Agree with a few, such as that he did at one point in time use WMDs But so have we. (No not the Nukes dropped on Japan or chemical defiants but in 2003 in Iraq. Depleted Uranium used in both armor and shells continue to pollute the environments where it is used. ) No time right now to challenge all that I would but the one that I will mention quickly is the makeup of the "Coalition of the Willing" While there may have been a larger number of countries involved, excepting England and Australia, they were almost exclusively small countries very dependant on American foreign aide.
  16. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I'm all for balance, but let's take each of the 'facts' below and assess them instead of assuming that b/c it has the word "fact" in front of the statement that it is, indeed, truly a fact.

    ----------pasted from "The Omega Letter"---------
    This is the first I've heard of such a document. Could you provide a direct reference to the exact document and it's contents? Regardless, if true, Bush did not have access to such a document prior to initiating the invasion of Iraq and can provide no evidence of such a linkage that he had prior to the invasion to support his assumptions of a linkage. As the country we claim to be with the standards we are supposed to stand for it seems we would have demanded SOLID facts before the invasion.

    And so did I. Esp. after listening to the testimony before the UN. BUT, I still did not agree with the timing/justification for invasion. There was clearly no immanent threat to the US or it's allies from the claimed WMD (with the possible exception of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia's most northern edge). The UN had boots on the ground conducting inspections. The TRUTH is that Bush became impatient b/c said suspected WMD were not being found (now it's apparent that that's b/c the don't exist) and decided his only recourse was to invade. This is like a beginning chess player blindly driving his Queen into the attack before preparing a means of attaining a check-mate. The whole point is we expect our leaders to be Chess Grandmasters, not beginners.

    And the possibility of finding Santas hidden toy shop still exists too.

    True, on a very small scale and against his own people...still ZERO immanent threat to the US or it's allies.

    A real stretch. Mustard gas can be considered a WMD. But the WMD's that would be a significant (or even minor) threat to the US would need to be something far above the scale of anything Sadaam every used. The small pox stuff that the Bush admin claimed they had. And the nuclear stuff that they were duped into believing they had (without checking their facts) would, if they could somehow have gotten them to the US, potentially have been a danger to the populous. But none of those exist, there was no means of deploying them, and thus no immanent threat.

    I've not made that allegation. But I contend that congress was on 'tilt', reeling from the Iraq invasion. The same reason they stupidly passed the 'Patriot Act' (it turns my stomach to even type that phrase). Once again, no evidence was presented PRIOR to the attack to show clear collaboration. If you can show me the article mentioned above then maybe I'll believe that they found such evidence AFTER the fact. But I'm a firm believer that the end does NOT justify the means.

    That is not a fact at all. Show me.

    A lie built upon the preceding lie.

    What a joke...token support from more nations maybe, but nothing on the same scale numerically. Even England, our biggest supporter has only a few thousand boots on the ground. Several countries have only several dozen soldiers there in essentially token rolls b/c those countries are afraid of the consequences of not 'showing support' to the US....maybe they're afraid of being invaded themselves....more likely they're afraid we'll withdraw financial and military support.

    Show me. I've never head anything of that sort. Clearly none of those governments, at the highest levels, supports this cause. It's not as if paying off a couple of UN flunkies is going to sway the whole countries opinion. I'll call this another total lie to try to evade the fact that the UN clearly did not support the invasion and the US defied the UN in their own conceited self-righteousness and utter lack of patience.

    Again, I don't really believe that the oil is the real reason we went in. But to suggest that we 'restored' the oil industry is a stretch too b/c that's the main thing that the insurgents have been attacking all along to avoid allowing control of that oil flow to the new regime in Iraq. Still, I agree with this for the most part.

    Things claimed as facts should be supported by documented facts.
  17. autoxic

    autoxic Commuter

    Mar 25, 2004
    Richmond, VA
    2004 Prius
    Yes, if you believe the government is out to get you and hurt our people, please leave. NZ is quite nice.

    The goverment is us. We make the decisions in this country. Run for office, write an editorial, protest peacefully, and make a difference if you are not happy.

    I happen to think our government is not out to lie and betray us. I also think Moore is a jerk, and I won't pay to see his commercial.
  18. pkjohna

    pkjohna Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Manassas, VA
    2012 Prius

    I'm not claiming that all of these "facts" are indeed facts (though I have pressed the original author to cite some sources); I'm just pointing out that the same burden of proof falls on the left as it does the right. Without sources it's just so much rhetoric as you so correctly pointed out.

    Here's a great article that drives home the point that as a society we're drawn to news/commentary sources that agree with us: Films like 'Fahrenheit 9/11' are turning movie theaters into political stumping grounds . I confess that I've fallen into that trap at times as I suspect most of us here have. I love this quote at the end of the article: "A truly informed person wants to listen to ideas he disagrees with," he said. "It would be a healthy thing for Rush Limbaugh's audience to go to Michael Moore's movie and for Michael Moore's audience to listen to Bill O'Reilly." That's why shows like Hannity & Colmes on Fox are such a good idea. Let the left and the right flog a news source and maybe you'll hear what you want to but maybe you'll learn something.
  19. Mitchla

    Mitchla New Member

    Dec 25, 2003
    Then you need to see the film and then tell us what is incorrect. It's primarily just public domain news footage. Moore has a large team of fact-checkers verifying the facts. No one has successfully challenged the accuracy of this movie yet.

    Is it slanted on one direction? Of course it is. It's not journalism--it's a documentary which doesn't have to present the other side's views. Let the other side present their own views. Is a protest song slanted? Duh. This is a protest movie--get over it.

    How does anyone refute that after hearing about the 2nd plane hitting the WTC, that Bush sat there--SAT THERE--for 7 MINUTES while childer read
    My Pet Goat." What leadership!

    P.S. And it's not a "Hollywood" movie. It's an independent film that's being distributed by Hollywood people.
  20. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID

    However the issue with people such as Rush Limbaugh, at least the few (no more than 1/2 dozen times) I've heard him is that he tends to cite truely unrelated things, which though true in isolation are so unrelated to the conclusions that he has drawn that he lacks credibility. Never having heard Hannity and Colmes, No comment there, though a bunch of bombbasts (sp?) squaring off from opposite corners, digging trenchs and firing mortar rounds at each other never solved anything. Again these tv forums tend to throw about poorly vetted "facts". It is time for the "Radical Center" to unite all sides. As a liberal I think I could live with that.