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Scientific Proof

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by daniel, May 24, 2006.

  1. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ May 29 2006, 08:35 PM) [snapback]262605[/snapback]</div>
    If only more people would follow this principle, then we would have way less war, fights over placement of crosses, school prayer, etc.
  2. KD6HDX

    KD6HDX New Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    Chino Hills,CA
    2005 Prius
    I agree that religion is personal. But I don't think the zealots are done yet. Remember the Angry Christian judge that demanded his ten commandments be on display in a PUBLIC court house? That bozo lost. But he was just doing that to form a base of voting right wing zealots. I am a Christian. I believe that the separation of church and state is FREEDOM! If these fundamentalist evangelical nutbags are not controlled with their religious displays of doves and crosses and virgin mary's who will stop the devil worshippers when they sue to have their stupid statues displayed next to the ten commandments? Will the VooDoo masses of little Jamaica get to display chicken heads and blood spitting to ward off evil zombies of the voodoon? Who will stop them when they win the right to display their religious statues and poultry in courthouses, civic centers and city parks at Christmas?

    The separation of church and state must be protected. The only rights worth fighting for are the ones we still have left. If we lose the separation of church and state, then we will be just as bad as the taliban or the ayatollahs that demand a religious government. I am fine with ONE NATION UNDER GOD. I went to catholic school so I am comfortable with prayer in school....private school that is. I do not agree with that position if a PUBLIC SCHOOL is involved. That does not mean that kids in public school are Godless or the demon spawn of hippie parents.

    America is a great country that permits these people to worship their gods in ways they see fit. Good. I'll pray my way and you pray yours. But I do not need to be force fed angry Christian ideas that cast people into hell for not believing anyone elses starry eyed vision of heaven or hell. I know what works for me and I am comfortable with that. I would fear Gods wrath upon me if I went around telling the REST of Gods creatures that God tells me you will die if you do not walk, talk, this way, that way, dance the macarena on Sundays, yada yada yada! There are at least ten denominations of churches in my town. Should I feel bad if I do not go to all of them? Should I feel bad for not giving any one church 10 percent of my paycheck? I pay taxes to a government that is ONE NATION UNDER GOD. So when I pay taxes to my government, I am giving them more than the 10 percent required in a tithe to any church. Some of my money goes to feed the hungry, and some of it goes to bomb them. WWJD? or should I say, who would Jesus bomb? Ask Pat Robertson if he knows. It is people like that fundamentalist overflowing box of clumping cat litter that makes Christianity look as silly as it does on the world stage. And I might add that the Catholic church is not helping things by hiding child molestors and demonizing women.

    DAVE 05 Prius
  3. jared2

    jared2 New Member

    Aug 19, 2005
    "the Catholic church is not helping things by hiding child molestors and demonizing women"

    Correct. And what's worse, the priests are not allowed to use condoms when they have sex with kids because condoms are immoral.
  4. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ May 29 2006, 10:35 PM) [snapback]262605[/snapback]</div>
    Ya'll sure get squirmy when someone points out how much you talk about God and how much you are searching to find God in your lives.

    That's ok, just keep searching, God won't give up on you!
  5. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    i'd be funny and ironic if daniel was abducted by the christian right, killed, and body turned into meatballs for a christian right spaghetti diner benefit...
