I just bought a used 2012 Prius V and I'm super pumped! I have a few quick questions, and I'm wondering if yall could help. It came from the dealer with smudged glass (plastic?) over the climate control screen. We've tried Windexing it, but as soon as the Windex dries the smudges are back. It looks like a previous owner let cleaner just dry on it? Any ideas how to clean this up? Also, it came from the dealer missing a pad in the center console well. Is there a name for this section, or an easy way to replace this pad? Thanks for your help, all!
If you want to double down on being super pumped, spend a couple hundred bucks on professional auto detailing... They'll not only have lots of options to try on those problem spots, they'll also clean stuff you don't even know is dirty until you see it clean. If it was my spots to get out I'd first use my Orange bottle, which is Nu Shine, an auto polish and wax in one... If that didn't work I'd try polishing compound... But a car detailing place that does this stuff everyday is gonna have something way better and they'll be certain it'll work before they even try it.
Hey, thanks for the advice! I'll look into NuShine and an auto detailer. I'm pretty happy with how the interior looks right now, I just want to get those smudges off.
You'll turn happy into overjoyed with professional detailing inside and out... Keeping a super clean car is one of the most important ways to make it last longer. And if it ever does have problems mechanics have a much better attitude about making repairs if they can tell the vehicle owner cares for and cleans their car often. When people bring in a dirty neglected car that hasn't been cleaned in years it doesn't go as well.