I'm no statistician, but it looks like a well-designed study. Here's the conclusion: This study has assessed the relationship between vehicle colour and crash risk. This was achieved through the analysis of real crash outcomes described in mass crash data using induced exposure methods. Results of the analysis identified a clear statistically significant relationship between vehicle colour and crash risk. Compared to white vehicles, a number of colours were associated with higher crash risk. These colours are generally those lower on the visibility index and include black, blue, grey, green, red and silver. No colour was statistically significantly safer than white although a number of other colours could not be distinguished from white statistically in terms of relative crash risk. The association between vehicle colour and crash risk was strongest during daylight hours where relative crash risks were higher for the colours listed compared to white by up to around 10%.
Hey they got rid of the Red color from 2013 that I have!! Now they have a much darker absolute red. Interesting..
Blue is too common for a car like the C glad they have the yellow now to go with the Orange, its like the 70's all over again! Toyota What a Feeling!
I have to wonder though, I read somewhere that white is the most common color car, how do they take that into factoring which is more likely to crash? Meaning, if 10% more cars on the road are white vs any other color, then it would be likely that they be in more crashes right? Also - I had a Yellow Nissan Frontier crew-cab truck. I can't tell you how many near crashes I was in due to people cutting me off, pulling out in front of me etc. It was a running joke with my wife and I, literally, it would happen and I'd throw my hands up and say "well, I guess they didn't see the big yellow truck"....
I think percentages show that gray and black are in the most wrecks, white (I am trying to remember, so bear with me)I believe was like 3rd or 4th on the list. I know the feeling. I had a Yellow Saturn and people hit me in mall parking lots 3 times... luckily I was in the car all three times. You should have seen the cops face when the people had to tell him "I never saw his car, Officer."