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The education gap in America is getting huge!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by windstrings, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. parrot_lady

    parrot_lady Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Chicago Burbs
    I'll bitch and whine all I want for the school district around here. They're trying to pass another one again... two in four years or so. FORGET IT.

    At least Check-- with a Freedom of Information Act-- they unwillingly handed over the top paid employees in the school district. the computer teacher was making $90,000+ a year. and not teaching a damn thing--- I had him. The other teachers were mostly right after him pay wise.

    I'm all for it if its used to fix the classrooms...buy things for the kids but this one went straight to the teachers salaries. I go to the open houses and walk around-- no noticeable improvements here.
  2. Jonnycat26

    Jonnycat26 New Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    New Brunswick, NJ
    2004 Prius
    Well, I don't know how it is in Chicago, but in NJ the teachers are on a salary scale. You only go up a certain amount each year, and get an adjustment for cost of living and base salary increases. Due to the fact that most teachers in NJ are entering the, uh, last few years of their careers (baby boomers are about to retire) the average salary is around 50K. Mind you, that's 50K after about 20 years of work. And NJ teachers are among the highest paid in the country.

    Most people who have the same education and choose the private sector will be making more in less than half that time. It takes a special sort to want to teach, but it can be very fufilling.

    And I find that if you didn't learn anything, it's usually because you didn't want to. Sorry to be harsh, but teachers don't have time to cater to every student. It's a large classroom after all. A good teacher is going to notice quickly if you're not making an effort.
  3. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Thats what happens when the Government throws money at a project without spending just a little bit more to oversee how its managed... Welfare, SSI, all sort of Gov programs...
    they know they have to use it or lose it so they spend it on themselves instead of the kids and all is well.
    If the Gov is going to do something.. do it right or not at all!

    Sounds like they just need some accoutability and maybe a few people at the top fired.... anywho that works for the government seems to get lured into abusing the system because the Gov doesn't monitor its resources well.....

    Good thing they don't have to balance their checkbook and can just make money and write checks.....