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Thoughts re: a November delivery?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by miami, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. miami

    miami New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Hi folks, this is message #1 for me here (though I'm sure it won't be the last). I'm delighted to find y'all!

    I'm pretty firmly committed to a 2010, but didn't try to make the pre-order deadline, because I need a (roughly) November 1, 2009 delivery. I want to see the MSRP and OTD numbers to be certain, but I'm virtually sure that I know already the color/Roman numeral/etc. that I'll want.

    I have no problem with laying out the money early to get a good price, but of course don't want to leave more than a regular-ol' $500 deposit amount in the hands of a dealer, with only the hope they will still be in business come November. I think it's grimly likely that the economy will continue to struggle until then, but gas prices are also subject to other factors (hurricanes, politics, international discord, etc.), and I think it's possible to see >$3 gas even in the midst of a slump, which would affect the November availability (and cost) of the 2010.

    Unfortunately, I'll be away from Miami in the months leading up to my desired 11.1 delivery, so I won't be able to comparison-shop locally then, at the 'right' time - I can only visit the local dealers here until I leave in June, or after I return in November. I don't want to buy before I go, just to leave it parked for the first four months.

    I'm not asking for crystal-ball-gazing as to the prices of gas (or Prii) come November, but as a general matter is there anything y'all think I should do before I leave Miami in June? I looked briefly at the Costco Auto Program (and of course I'll be doing a whole lot more searching here), thinking that Costco might offer me a way to place the Miami order 'by remote control' at the appropriate time (6-8 weeks?) before my return, but I know they ultimately steer you to a dealer (i.e., you can't just pick up your car at Costco, squeezed in there between the socks and the lawn mowers - unfortunately!), so I don't know if that makes sense.

    I'd like to be able to get the color and package I want, so I'm a little leery of taking my chances on finding the right Prius on-the-lot when I return. (I want white, which seems unpopular down here for some reason - BTW, where are the 2010 colors shown?) Also, it's not absolutely critical that I get this immediately when I get back (12.1 would be tolerable).

    OTOH, I guess it's possible that by November they will be shipping lithium and/or PHEV? If waiting till I return to shop significantly increases my odds of getting a PHEV Prius, I'd probably have to wait (though I'd take a non-PHEV Prius over a PHEV anything-else).

    My apologies for the long-winded intro (not that I promise to improve or anything :rolleyes:)

    I'll be very grateful for any thoughts/guidance y'all may have to offer me in this odd circumstance.

  2. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Clay, welcome. By November the features promised "later" should be available. Read through www.carbuyingtips.com. The Costco program is a fixed negotiated price available through the local dealer. Maybe you can get a better deal, maybe not.

    IMO the economy, at best, is going to continue circling the drain. I believe demand for gas will continue to be soft as the newly unemployed won't be commuting to anywhere and Toyota still needs to manufacture cars to spread the fixed costs of production. New cars may be highly desirable but paying customers in the showroom will be in short supply.

    Dealers may want MSRP or close to MSRP for the new Prius and they may be able to get that on some cars early but as sales slow and the carrying costs increase the acceptable price will fall.

    I would start emailing dealers in October asking for their prices for the exact car you want. Continue playing one against the other until you get your car at the best possible price.
  3. eglmainz

    eglmainz New Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    Chicagoland, IL
    2010 Prius
    I actually was going the Costco program way, with an '09 Touring (loaded), and they are only offering a $250 discount to the list price (or a total of $250) off the price that we negotiate. It was a joke. That said, I have now read all about the 2010, and will simply wait for those to arrive. Loved Costco, hated the deal I was offered. However, $250 is $250, so when I come to buy the 2010, I will certainly hit up that plan again.
  4. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    I was offered a much better discount through this program. But it was not as much as the better Toyota incentives in some other regions, nor enough to entice me to not wait for the 2010s.