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Tired of Waiting for your Prius? GET YOURS IN WEEKS HERE!

Discussion in 'Private Sales' started by Ptpiz, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Listen guys... I may just be an almost 17 year old teen, but everyone here already knows that I am not your "average" kid. People my age race cars, do drugs, sell shit at school, and destroy public property. I don't do any of that.

    Instead, I make films, I go to the movies, I do things that are PRODUCTIVE. None of you know me enough to be judging me like this and trying to be my parents as MIRZA said.

    Just listen to what I have to say... I have 2 JOBS! I work my nice person off just to buy this equipment for making films so that I can start becoming more serious about my work and start showing off some real talent. I work 2 jobs to pay off my car insurance, gas, my new laptop, and my camera. So far, I have payed off the camera and I am working on the laptop and insurance.

    The spot for the Prius cost me $500. I figured, why not go ahead and sell the spot for $1000 and make some profit? I need the money and it wouldn't hurt ANYONE. THe people that are behind me on the list are still getting their Prii, JUST AS THEY WOULD BE.... NO DELAYS WITH ME.

    My spot is just there in #1 position, but I told the dealer to not call me about any cars that come in. So, everyone still gets their cars. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING WRONG? I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU "parent" FIGURES ARE TRYING TO TELL ME? WHO LOSES IN THIS SITUATION????

    If you don't want to buy the spot then don't! There is nothing forcing you to buy it! This eBay sale is just simply for someone who is willing to buy the Prius for $500 over it's normal price! No dealer markups, no nothing... So, you would in fact be SAVING MONEY!

    I dont get it? Why bash me? I bet if I didnt tell anyone i was the PRIUS TEEN that you guys wouldnt be treating me like this? C'mon guys... I respect this website so much and I get a lot of info from here... but why this?
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Now you are showing your immaturity. Pete, my comments would have been exactly the same if you were 25, 35, or 65. What is so difficult for you to understand here. If you 'sell your spot', someone who has not been waiting will get a car sooner than someone who has been waiting. See sooner means that they've delayed someone else. We're not saying that you're currently preventing anyone else from getting a car, but once you vault someone else into that #1 spot you've delayed the number two person by at least one car and thus everyone else in line by one car. If you were that #2 guy and you'd been waiting what is it now? About 7 months? for your car. And you found out that 'technically' you're #2, but only b/c the #1 guy already got a car somewhere else but hasn't claimed his deposit back and now, suddenly, sells that spot to someone else who just read about the Prius and thought it sounded cool and is going to buy it with no wait at all. Wouldn't you be peeved? I would.

    Also, you say that your spot "cost" you $500--are you saying they won't give your deposit back? If that is the case then you should file a small claims suit (unless you know it to be legal in your state for the dealers to keep deposits) against the dealer for the return of your money.

    I guess the saddest thing is that you don't see how this is wrong. If you can't be introspective enough to understand that then all these arguements are, indeed, pointless.

    I'm not trying to be your father or parent. I'm trying to be a voice of reason and to discuss this in a rational reasonable manner. I said in my first post that I respect you for some of the mature decisons you've made. I respect what you want to do and I expect you'll go far. But it's the little things in life, like this, that really determine what kind of person you'll be and how people will percieve you.

    You can decide how you want to take all this. If I've come across as overly patronizing, I apologize. I've tried to treat you as an adult and with respect, but you still have many juvenile characteristics about you....and that's OK and that's normal and I'd be REALLY worried about you if you didn't have some, but this is an open forum. You chose to share your questionable plan here in an open public forum. This is an appropriate way for people to respond to an openly expressed percieved wrong... by anyone regardless of their age.

    I'm going to REALLY try to shut up now... :|
  3. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA

    I finally get a correct response. See, all someone had to do is explain it. NOW I see why this is wrong. You are right, i WOULD delay them by one car. I never noticed that. Well, at least now I understand it.

    By the way, no one is buying the spot on eBay anyway, so I am just going to take it off. And yes, the dealer will give me my deposit back, BUT.... he is being a BIG TIME JERK and he says that we have to come in with the credit card that we purchased the deposit with to get a refund. Is this normal???

    I don't want to have to go back to this dealership. He is about an hour away from home and I just don't have time. And I would be traveling an hour just to SHOW him a damn card? Is this right?
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    They 'may' need the credit card--basicly they prefer to refund the CC rather than give you cash...safer for them, and cheaper. But, there really isn't any reason the business office can't do that over the phone.

    I would call the dealership, ask to speak to the business office or someone other than your salesperson. See if you can convince them that you just need them to credit your credit card since you're reclaiming your deposit. If not, insist that he salesman do it if they balk (which might happen, they have safety mechanisms built in to make it harder for you to call and change your mind without listening to another effort on behalf of the salesman to keep your sale).

    Finally, I'm glad you're changing your mind and finally understand what we've been saying. FWIW, if you will go back and read my very first post in this thread I said much the same thing. When you didn't understand I elaborated further in my second post.....I just spelled it out in painful detail in the third. I think that maybe you were so taken back by the negative responses that you got defensive instead of trying to understand what we were saying and how we felt it was wrong to do.

    In any case, learning, growing and maturing is not an easy or painless process, and you're trooping through it with vigor.

    Best of luck Pete.
  5. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
  6. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    I'm glad that you asked that. I'm taking the MCAT's in two weeks (and one day) from now... so that I can get into med school and eventually help and save lives. These next two weeks are pretty important and I have to do well on this exam (I don't want to spend my next summer taking another one). My image of 'philosphical' argument was debating for hours on end. After July 14 (or maybe it's the 15th?) I'd be glad to join back in and discuss. I hope I didn't offend anyone by that comment.
  7. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004

    Please do stay around Priuschat! Your typing/chatting is very outgoing... which I found quite unique... I think that your posts add zest to the forums. Keep up your good mood!
  8. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Thanx, I will stay around Priuschat! As a matter of fact I just bought my new DvX100a prosumer video camera and it is just amazing. Thanks to this brand new camera, I have been inspired to make a short film about the Prius so that any prospecting Prius owner can have something to watch and learn about the Prius. I will be filming this short video soon and hopefully get it up on the web soon so that everyone who is dying for a Prius can see a short 5-10 min. video all about it. It will kind of be like an infomercial, but with cool music and not such a dorky persuasion of "BUY THIS ITEM NOW"

    Anyway, I will let you gusy know more about the video as it comes along... I am going to start a thread on stuff that is important to put in the video and make a list of all the things I should show! Or maybe I should make a video like... "A day of life with a Prius" and then just film some common tasks and errands and show how the Prius is awesome at all of them!
  9. Mirza

    Mirza New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    That sounds awesome... can't wait to see what you'll produce!
  10. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
  11. hedwig

    hedwig New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    Orlando, FL
    Ah.....you're a good kid, Pete. Glad to have you around.

    PS: Stay away from Full Sail. Go to NYU.
  12. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Really? FULL SAIL DOES SUCK??? I heard it did.
  13. 1prius001

    1prius001 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
    To all my prius chat buddies...
    I can get you a Toyota Prius in about 3 weeks, let me know I have a package 4,5, and 6. The am, ai, and the navigation package available. Let me know how I can help. I don't charge over MSRP and they are brand new. I look forward to meeting some of you face to face!


    Kent Cochran
    Internet Sales Manager
    Ehrlich Toyota
    [email protected]
  14. flareak

    flareak Fleet Captain

    Mar 9, 2004
    St Louis, MO
    2005 Prius
    Can't you go to an art school for video production? Or are your schools more specific in that area?