Can you control stuff with an OBDII adapter? Recently got an OBDII sensor after the If I had 150,000 miles and I'm fascinated and understanding the car more overall. Averaging a delta voltage a 0.1V, but this increases to 0.2V as the SOC drops below 53%. Internal cell resistance is 0.2 Ohms. Good, bad? Anyways, I noticed that the HV fan engages at 40°C. It wouldn't further unbalance itself at that temp, would it? It kinda makes me uncomfortable turning off the car and leaving a warm battery to sit there with no way to cool off. That or having the electric or total power ability limited by the computers after driving hard or down a big hill. Is there any way to manually control and set the fan speed with an Android app and OBDII port? Or is that reserved for techs creen? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yes it is possible, and someone posted on one of the Gen II forums very recently doing exactly that. Got to be set up on a separate screen, IIRC.
No, sorry, I don't have a link – if I did I would have posted it. You could use the search function above, or if the doesn't work (I find I get various success between good to useless), try using google to search the site by using the syntax below: Code: [insert search string or phrase here] Example: Torque set up HV cooling fan control Replace the section enclosed in square brackets (including the square brackets themselves) with your search phrase. Focus on results that reference Gen 2 Prius. Hope that helps.
Here is the Gen2 thread for Torque PIDs : Gen2 Prius: Custom PIDs for Torque (Android App) with formulas | PriusChat Here are your requested PIDs for manual fan control: And for reference: Enjoy!!
Did you ever succeed? I have tried to study this for 3 days now and can't get the fan on. I just don't understand what goes where. Would somebody be kind enough to write _simple_ instructions what is required to get control of hv fan? Otherwise I have got along fine with Torque. I just can't command anything.
Thanks to myself I got this figured out. This code Set Battery Cooling Fan Speed 1","SFS1","30810001","A","0","0","No reply req'd","7E3" can be found easily but where to put it and how took me 4 days find out. So here is explanation: you have to make custom PID and these are values for it. Set Battery Cooling Fan Speed 1 is "long name", SFS1 is short name. 30810001 is the "OBD2 mode and PID values, 0 min value, 0 max value, A equation, 7E3 is OBD header. That's it and now you have "display" that turns HV fan to speed 1 when it is on your screen. Change the last number on that long one for different speed, like 30810006 for speed 6 which is maximum.
You need to be aware (if you're not already) that if you have the fan commanded to speed setting 1 (or any other speed), you are locking the battery ECU out from setting any other speed. So, if the battery is getting warm and the ECU wants to increase the speed, it can't. At this point you run the risk of bad things happening. Therefore, if you really feel the need to override the ECU and set the speed yourself, the only safe speed would be 6 – max. I just thought I'd mention it. I hope this helps.
Yeah. I wanted to run the fan for faster warming of battery. I live in north Europe and during winter it's cold. Some say warm battery is better for more mpg and I am keen to test does running the fan help. Also this became obsession can I get it running or not