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Toyota Prius - Special Service Campaign (Steering Shaft Assembly Issue)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by tmsusa, May 30, 2006.

  1. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Susan5s @ Aug 8 2006, 06:31 PM) [snapback]299869[/snapback]</div>
    My "correct" odometer reading is noted in the owner manual, which actually has a place to record if the odometer is reset back to zero. It's also recorded at Toyota Canada and with the Manitoba Department of Motor Vehcles and Licensing.

    I only wish they had reset the warranty to zero too. No such luck ... feh
  2. Susan5s

    Susan5s Junior Member

    Aug 23, 2004
    2011 Prius
    Hmmm, maybe I should check my owner's manual too.
  3. talonts

    talonts VFAQman

    Jan 9, 2004
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Aug 8 2006, 05:19 PM) [snapback]299861[/snapback]</div>
    You need to call your dealership, NOW, and tell them they had BETTER do the TSB properly, or you'll report them to Toyota HQ.

    The TSB clearly states that when the cluster is being replaced, they are to take down the current mileage, and order a new cluster with that odo reading on it.

    The fact that they are ordering one without taking the time to set it correctly means their "Prius Specialist" is a lazy bastard that doesn't take the time to read the TSBs.

    Get it corrected, NOW, before you get the car back. There is absolutely NO excuse for having the odo off if they have your car in the shop for the work.
  4. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(talonts @ Aug 9 2006, 01:19 AM) [snapback]300045[/snapback]</div>
    this isn't the first time i've heard of a canadian prius getting a new odo without having the mileage preprogrammed into it... i do not know what's up with that. they should be coming from the same factory as the ones we get down here, and therefore *should* be able to be programmed...
  5. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon @ Jul 28 2006, 02:47 PM) [snapback]293982[/snapback]</div>
    Glad to hear all was well. My dealer didn't screw up this time but did manage to get the carpet UNDER the mats dirty... how does that work? :blink:
  6. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I picked up my Prius this afternoon and everything appears to have been done properly. The steering wheel is perfectly centered, car handles as usual, car was spotless when i picked it up, gas gage works again, etc.

    Note on the odometer zero issue: apparently the Canadian Toyota dealers are NOT authorized to program in new readings for a new odometer cluster. This is reflected on page 2 of the Canadian Maintenance Menu, which states

    "Odometer Change Record: Repairs that have been performed on this vehicle have resulted in the transformation of the odometer reading to zero." Below is space to record the correct km's and date when performed.

    There is also a dealer sticker on the driver door jamb, below the vehicle certification sticker, that indicates the correct km on the vehicle.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Aug 9 2006, 12:50 PM) [snapback]300294[/snapback]</div>
    They just want to see if you're paying attention ...
  7. wilco

    wilco New Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Aug 9 2006, 10:50 AM) [snapback]300294[/snapback]</div>
    They removed the mat to do the work on mine, so I'm guessing that's how.
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Aug 9 2006, 04:16 PM) [snapback]300466[/snapback]</div>
    Hmm interesting. I wonder how companies like speedofix do it?
  8. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wilco @ Aug 9 2006, 06:23 PM) [snapback]300535[/snapback]</div>
    They need to move the mat a bit to get to the lower slip joint. They got grease on mine as well, plus the arm rest, and the outside of the car had a big glob on it.

    But compared to the other problems they caused me that was nothing. I just used some carpet cleaner and some upholstery cleaner and it came out fairly easy.

    I noticed the TMS USA people are done with us. Didn't even bother to try to answer my questions. I wouldn't be quite so unhappy if they had at least logged on and said "we aren't going to answer that" or "go away that's a dumb question" but to be ignored completely? That kind of arrogance I don't need, even if they did beat out Ford they still need to be polite to their customers. I am not going to sell my car because of it but I will most likely not buy another Toyota product, not that they care.
  9. Susan5s

    Susan5s Junior Member

    Aug 23, 2004
    2011 Prius
    I don't know where TMS is at the moment - maybe on vacation? But I can tell you that as a direct result of a couple of emails with him stemming from our contact on this thread, I was able to meet with two field engineers who came to my dealership specifically to address my problem. They were fantastic to deal with and very helpful. TMS USA's job is specifically to monitor and deal with consumer driven media, things like this message board. If you want to contact him directly, look at his signature and logo - I think there's contact info. Or leave him a private message using that utility on this board.
  10. tumbleweed

    tumbleweed Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2005
    Eastern Oregon
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Susan5s @ Aug 10 2006, 08:38 AM) [snapback]300838[/snapback]</div>
    Thank you Susan. I may contact them as you suggested. I think it will be to late in my case though. They (the dealer) have the splines misaligned in at least two places and they misaligned the toe in to compensate. The only way to put things right, in my estimation, would be to disassemble the whole steering shaft assemble and start over without any references. I don't think there is any one around here that I would trust to do that job.

    EDIT: negative comments removed, I'm still a bit unhappy about all the problems this recall has caused
  11. FireEngineer

    FireEngineer Active Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    SW-Side of Chicago, IL
    2010 Prius
    Well I figured it was time to take my Prius in. Went to my local dealer in the near southwest suburbs of Chicago (who use to brag of having received the Presidents award for over 17 years) on August 9th to schedule an appointment and so they could see if my VIN needed the two part or one part work. The service writer just said they have all the parts in and just bring it in on August 14th. I asked to make sure they were aware of the steering wheel alignment procedure in the TSB and of problems others were having. Assured no problem, the techs have done plenty.

    August 14th 7:00AM the service writers are not ready for the people who have shown up. I'm about to drop my key in the drop-off box and just then someone comes to collect the drops. I give him mine and he says "oh, 60C huh, no problem". Service calls my home, not work as I specified, around 10:30 AM and says the Prius is ready. Get to the dealer at around 5:40PM, pick-up the fob from the cashier (you don't talk to the service people after your done here unless you make the special effort to do so). I have to be at the bank by 6:00PM so off I drive. And then...this doesn't seem right...what the...THE STEERING WHEEL IS NOT CENTERED!!! Finish at the bank and then back to the dealer.

    The overhead to service write-up area was open so I drove in. Only car in the area is me. I go into the nice little climate controled area where the same service writer from August 9th is sitting.

    Excuse me but you need to finish the recall on my Prius.

    What's wrong.

    The steering wheel is not centered.

    Oh. Which way is it not centered.

    It leans to the left, it actually is aligned with the sloping top of the upper dash panel.

    Do you want to leave it overnight.

    Well since you have no tech's here and I want it fixed I guess I will.

    [Fumbles around computer, can't find my records] What's your phone number?

    [Gives phone number] Oh there's a torpedo level on my front seat in case the tech needs help.

    And I left. No "sorry about that", no offer of a loaner car (I have the extended warranty, if it's overnight I should get a car), no offer to give me a lift home (5 minutes), no offer to give me a lift to the bus stop (5/8 mile away), not even an offer to let me call the wife and tell her I would be late for dinner. The service writer never got up to confirm the problem, just sat there rather stoic and ho-hum-you know like "your disturbing me, take your own time to to get our mistake fixed, I can't be bothered". Scratch this dealer from future service, got to search somewhere else now, maybe I should go back to my selling dealer in Escanaba, MI-at least they treated me to a pasty when I bought my car.


    Oh and this morning I spoke to Toyota customer care and opened a case number with a very nice gentleman named Don who happens to own a Prius and understands this should never of happened.

    [Extensive rant over, please resume civil postings]
  12. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Rest assured that Toyota is still here and reading, but not
    necessarily saying anything. Remember that whatever they pick up
    from these boards goes through that complex "Japanese way of doing
    things" filter with regard to actually *changing* anything about
    the cars; the SSC was probably a special case in which a public
    statement/interaction was decided to be appropriate. That's all
    over now, so they're very likely back to read-only.
  13. mchinta

    mchinta New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
    I had my Special Service Campaign (Steering Shaft Assembly Issue) fixed my Prius 2006 and I feel that my steering is now lot smoother than before. I am happy that it got done and wanted to thank Toyota for taking effort in informing it and fixing it.
  14. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FireEngineer @ Aug 15 2006, 07:17 AM) [snapback]303489[/snapback]</div>
    if your car can't be fixed and has to stay over night a loaner should be provided. Time to call the dealership business agent and chew him a new butt hole. Also describe the treatment the "writer" gave you and how it's p**sed you off enough to look for a new service/repair business for your money. I realize that this is a warranty issue but later your money will go elsewhere. He probably won't care but at least he'll know your not happy. If you want to really make waves write a letter to Toyota HQ and lay out all the details and CC the dealer as well. When the two of them see each other knows that your not a happy customer your job is done.
  15. mbarrows

    mbarrows Illini Bird

    Jun 22, 2004
    Frankfort, Illinois
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FireEngineer @ Aug 15 2006, 09:17 AM) [snapback]303489[/snapback]</div>


    This is really "deja-vu" for me! Almost same thing happened; the only difference is I didn't leave the car overnight. BUT, I had to go back THREE TIMES for them to get it right! :angry: :angry: :angry:


    PS - Toyota Customer Care took care of it for me (in one day!). I also sent letters to the Service manager and the President of the Toyota dealer (another SW suburban dealer in Chicago) to express my unhappiness at how I was treated and how the work was performed incorrectly. I finally got an apology and some restitution for all of my time and trouble.

    I own a 2002 Thunderbird and am often bragging about my Prius over at the T-Bird web site; I've said how good the Toyota brand is, etc., but am now going to say their service needs some work. I can honestly say I've been treated better at the Ford dealer when I bring the Bird in for service.
  16. FireEngineer

    FireEngineer Active Member

    Oct 6, 2004
    SW-Side of Chicago, IL
    2010 Prius
    Well, I received a call from the service manager/dealership customer service rep on August 15th at 1:00PM. He said he was sorry if there was any misunderstanding. Wth, what about being sorry about the botched recall work, the attitude of the service writer, not offering me transportation home of some type since the car had to be in the shop an extra day. He then went on to ask if I would like the car dropped off at my house. Sure I told him (golly 10 minutes roundtrip dealer to my house and back, what a sacrifice for them). My wife called about 20 minutes later and said the car was dropped off and they came to the door and gave her the paperwork for the fix to the recall snafu. She then asked me if I had my fob. No I didn't. Well they did not give it to her. So I told her to go to the car and check the fob slot. Sure enough the fob was in the slot with the doors unlocked.

    When I got home first thing I did was take a test drive. I noticed the outside was different, did they wash it? Why yes, and they used dirty water by the looks of the water spots all over the windows. Wait, all the bugs from my trip to the Illinois Renewable Energy Fair were still there, they must have just quick wiped it down, not even a wash. Oh no, what the hell is on my tires, some kind of bright ArmourAll type stuff (I use 303 Protectant). I started it up and the radio immediately started playing some kind of salsa music on AM that I turned off, thank goodness I removed my SkyFi2 before I took it in for service. And why are the inside of the windows dirty with drips and streaks! But the steering wheel appears to be level, they must have used the torpedo level I left on the front seat.

    To wrap up, dealer botch's recall, dealer can't apologize for dealership mistakes, dealer performs an unasked for detailing in a half-a***d way, I have to reclean my car sometime before this weekends Milwaukee Hybrid Group meeting. Hey TMS USA, you might want to think about this, I've showed and spoken to literally hundreds of people over the past weekend about my Prius. I've spoken to people I saw last year who bought the Prius because of talking to me. How would Toyota Corporate feel knowing that Prius owners are talking to prospective buyers and telling them about this fantastic car but that they need to avoid most Toyota North America dealers since the reports from owners are the simple things, like this recall with 33 pages of instructions, can't be fixed without making a call to Toyota Customer Care and having corporate intercede for us.

  17. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Wayne print this whole post off and mail it to corporate. CC it to the dealer as well. It's time to light the forest on fire. Luckly we had a grease spot on the floor mat and one small one on the armrest and the rest was completed without incident.
  18. losaltosprius

    losaltosprius Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    I had my SSC 60C done yesterday at Stevens Creek Toyota in San Jose, CA along with my 30K service.

    The work was done perfectly: the steering wheel is centered; no rattles in the dash; no dirt or grime on the floor.

    One interesting note: I had been postponing arranging for the recall service until my 30K service was due even though I got my card from Toyota about two months ago. I figured I would let them get a few other replacements done first.

    When I called on Tuesday last week, I was told the Steering Shaft part was on back order and they didn't know when more would arrive. After speaking with a Service Advisor, a part was allocated to me and I was told I would be notified when it came in. I was led to expect it would be several weeks.

    I was disappointed that I could not determine whether I should plan to have the 30K service done independently of the the SSC 60C. Apparently the parts department was not getting clear information from Toyota about when parts would be available.

    In any event, I received a card on Friday saying the part was in. It was mailed on Wednesday, the day after I initially called! I called late Friday afternoon and was able to get an appointment for yesterday, the time I had requested last week. I could have brought the car in for an appointment on Monday, but had another commitment.

    By the way: two friends of mine who also have Priuses called Sunnyvale Toyota a few weeks ago and were told there was such a backlog of requests for the SSC 60C that the earliest they could get appointments for the work was October!
  19. NuShrike

    NuShrike Active Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Friend of mine took her '05 Prius to Cerritos Toyota (she didn't have the time to take it to Longo), and it too came back with the steering wheel off center. She's going to have to now take some more time to take it back to get it fixed properly. She could of course not, since she got another shiny new '06 sitting in the garage.

    You would think if an OS tends to get virus ridden then there's some design flaw and it's best to dump it. Toyota?

  20. DaveG

    DaveG Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Vancouver, BC
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon @ Aug 16 2006, 06:39 PM) [snapback]304423[/snapback]</div>
    Hey Frank,

    Got mine done as well - no problems on the actual install (took about 1:15 all told). The only downside was that they insisted that the first visit was just to "inspect" the car to see if it needed the part replaced (and I told them repeatedly that they ALL need the "Shaft #2' replaced), but they said it was policy to do an inspection first, then order the part and bring back the car on another day.

    Needless to say, while waiting in their service dept I was reading the document on my laptop that specified the part was to be replaced on all VINs in the sequence...

    Whatdayaknow, my car DID need the Shaft #2 replaced (as I told them), so I had to bring it back in a second time to get the actual install done because they didn't have any parts available the first time around. If I hadn't been on vacation and had to miss work because of it, I'd be pretty angry... On the upside, they did get the wheel alignment right, but on the downside, they left a greasy fingerprint on the door fabric which I removed myself.
