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Toyota suspends work on Mississippi Prius plant

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Danny, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The market, including the Prius market is non-existent. Also toyota is frightened of their future in the US market and the US market itself. Detroit goes down and the US market goes down too and they know that. Toyota is in a precarious position. It would not take much to make them the villain in the US auto industry demise, just a revealing of the facts really.
  2. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    You bring up many good points, especially from your perspective as a non-American or non-Canadian. It would perhaps be easier for you to understand the whining over here, if I explain a few things to you

    First of all, most Westerners (Americans, Canadians, etc) are whiny, spoiled, lazy brats who have lived off the cream of the efforts started +60 years ago.

    America, and Canada, was a far different country after world war one, compared to now. First of all, the Great Depression was far less intense here, than over in Europe. Eg, Germany had hyperinflation of the worst kind, our prices went down. Our unemployment wasn't as bad, etc

    North America has always had the luxury of isolation, offered by the oceans. We are not only rich in natural resources, but also in agricultural areas that offers plenty of cheap food

    When world war two ended, we experienced an economic boom, that was mostly absent from Europe. No surprise there, large areas of Europe were devastated by war. True enough we lost soldiers in battle, but I don't recall reading of any cities in the US or Canada being firebombed

    When a society becomes fat, lazy, happy, and spoiled, they no longer care about the future. They only hold out their hands and keep demanding more, while refusing to work for it. You then experience much higher corruption at all levels of society

    We now have this arrogant air of entitlement: we DESERVE the best, we DEMAND the best, but we refuse to work for it. It has to be "free." The average American and Canadian is too "good" to shovel s*** out of a barn, work in a dangerous occupation (You mentioned coal mines, we had a media circus when coal miners were trapped after an explosion), or work for nothing.

    As a result, some companies have to import cheap labor from overseas to do all of those horrible jobs that the average punk would refuse to do. Of course, our grandparents would have JUMPED at the opportunity, but they were better, hardier, and stronger people

    We have whiny young brats fresh out of high school, with a completely worthless high school degree, who expect to make at least $40,000 a year. That's a fantasy. Of course, the fantasy is reinforced by do-gooder educators and headshrinkers who tell these brats they are "special" and "unique" so as not to harm their delicate little minds

    I was in the Army, and although some in our Battalion smirked at the plight of people out in the Real World, quite a few of us quickly realized just how lazy, spoiled, and decadent we had become. It really opened my eyes, which was a positive thing

    I have had ten major career changes in my working life. I don't see job challenges as impossible burdens, but as opportunities. Like my grandparents and parents, I had zero debt as I only purchased things I could afford to pay for immediately.

    That means, for a long time, i lived a very simple and Spartan lifestyle. I suppose that brought ridicule from some, when times were good. Now that times are "hard" here, those people are no longer laughing. I've always lived far below my means, while the average person lives BEYOND their means

    If you want insight into how the average North American thinks, and one view that runs contrary to that viewpoint, read The Millionaire Next Door, by Thomas J Stanley and William D Danko. Their book reflects an Old Fashioned ideal of America as a land of thrifty, average folks who saved for a rainy day

    Nowhere do they suggest showing off for total strangers, binging on spending, or going bankrupt and ending up living in the fancy SUV with bling-bling wheels
  3. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Because a handful of folks in government and the large corps became very, very, VERY wealthy as a result. These folks do not give one rats a** about you or I, we are just dumb peons to slave away for them

    My folks and grandparents warned me a LONG time ago to work for myself, not for somebody else. The smartest thing I ever did was incorporate and consult/contract for others

    First of all, it tends to reinforce financial prudence, as you are directly responsible for your success. Second, there are many lucrative tax incentives for small corporations that the average working schmuck cannot even dream about. Third, there is much more control over your career, and I like a challenge.

    I've always thrived on challenges. Other folks piss and moan when the s*** hits the fan, I tend to grab a mop and say "well, let's clean this s*** up and get busy"

    It's only s***. It cleans up

    Ever sit down and actually talk to a recent immigrant who cleans up your table at the restaurant? Or cleans your toilet or urinal at work? Surprisingly, many have fairly sophisticated university degrees in their home country, but due to the language barrier, are relegated to jobs the average Canadian or American would refuse to do

    Does that make these folks dumb? Far from it. One of my best hiring decisions was a guy a few years younger than me, who was cleaning my table at a restaurant. I was stuck in an engineering problem, he casually leaned over and corrected the formula I had been scribbling on.

    Just consider the number of engineering graduates in China and India. Do you think the average dumbass here has a snowball's chance? The average high school "graduate" here would rather get drunk, stoned, and party all the time.

    So deal with it. We lost the battle, no blood was spilled, and they won. It was by default. We EARNED our failure!
  4. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    true true true...

    to total number of students in engineering and scientific degrees programs for the entire US is less than ¼ of the YEARLY graduating class in India
  5. bedrock8x

    bedrock8x Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2008
    Other Hybrid
    It was true back in the 60's and 70's, a HS grad can make more money than a college degree easily. Thanks to UAW and other unions.

    With the recession now, college grads and HS grads are fighting for the same low paying jobs.
  6. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Everyone's standard will suffer, because all pay is relative. If the UAW members take a huge cut in pay does anyone else along the food chain think they won't? Get real.
  7. Welshdog

    Welshdog Member

    Jul 11, 2008
    Austin, TX
    2010 Prius
    I'll buy that for a dollar!! Agree 100%. The Diesel Caddy was a mini workhorse.[​IMG]