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U.S. Chamber of Commerce gets it right this time!

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by donee, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. donee

    donee New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Hi All,

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce president has this to say regarding Gasoline Taxes - "not taxes - users fees" (paraphrased).

    Check it out:

    U.S. Chamber Magazine - 14 July 2009 - You Get What You Pay For

    He seemed to get it right this time.

    The governement push (which is ongoing! - radio ad for people willing to try out GPS ankle-bracelets for your car for $900 are running in Chicagoland right now) to get billing by mileage is a smoke screen to delay the inevitable. Mileage based billing is so apparently flawed it can't work without a) violating the constitution, b) as proposed unfairly tax light weight vehicles . And getting through that will just screw up the country's roads even more. In the end this sillyness will just cost money that could have gone into what we are paying for - roads, not GPS vehicle ankle-bracelets!!

    Hopefully this endorcement of the status quo in roadway taxes which are apparently have not been increased with inflation for 16 years (OH! no-wonder there is no money for repairs!) will get through congress quickly!!!

    We put Obama in office to fix things - not screw them up. Hopefully he will stop his administration's effort to unfalrly tax lightweight vehicles and squelch the developement of high mileage vehicles. The endorcement of the Fusion Hybrid, while attempting to move forward with taxes that would make the advantage of such vehicles null-and-void is at odds. Come On Democrats - get your act together! We out here need you to do a good job - not screw things up!!
  2. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Not to rain on U.S. Chamber of Commerce' parade, but this isn't a silver bullet. There's a dab of schizoophrenia when on one hand, we increase mpg standards, to average 35mpg and yet increase fuel tax. Think about it: When PHEV's start averaging 80, 90 100mpg ... and (God forbid) EV's ... usinig NO fossil fuel, the increase will have to double, triple, or increase 4 fold. I can see a HUGE fight ahead ... 4x4's, motor home'rs, gear heads, toy haulers, etc will have no part of it ... nor will the oilie industry. It aint over yet.

    Consumer groups have for YEARS, tried to add a buck-a-gallon tax, to go to an auto insurance fund. You drive more miles ... you use more gas ... you pay for more insurance. No more uninsured motorists ... everyone pays that way. That's been in the works for DECADES, yet it never gets off the ground. Why? because we LOVE our cheep gas. No way in hell, will the average person go for paying for european/asian fuel prices. But I keep hoping & hoping that these plans someday make it.
