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Warped Cylinder Head = Chocolate Syrup in the Crank Case; How much do I need to replace?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by TroublesomeCorvid, Oct 6, 2022.

  1. TroublesomeCorvid

    TroublesomeCorvid New Member

    Oct 5, 2022
    San Antonio, TX
    2013 Prius
    It's always such a wonderful feeling, ain't it? Engine overheats, you get that nasty smelling smoke coming out of the exhaust.... and then you get the worst news when you drain the oil and out comes that forbidden chocolate sauce.

    So I've been told by the folks at the machine shop, since the antifreeze that our beloved little cars use is based on an organic acid, it'll screw up most anything inside if left to its own devices, meaning that tearing the whole engine apart is a must in order to make sure you get every last drop of that stuff out of there.

    So here's what I need to know: exactly how much do I need to replace here?

    For one thing, the water pump is shot - this was the root of evil in our case, and no wonder since the spindle is seized as hard as they come.

    The timing chain felt like it had a bit more slack than it should have had, so that's gonna go, too.

    I'm pretty sure it's a safe idea to replace the main bearings, along with just about every gasket I can get at.

    The head bolts looked good, though. Nice and clean, no rust, no galling of the threads.

    Anything else? Is the intake cam phaser and solenoid valve safe to reuse? Should I do the piston rings as well? Any idea who's got the best rebuild kits for these cars? How worthwhile is a subscription to Toyota's TIS website and can I save the PDF files to my local drive?
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Look to a JDM engine from JDM importers . Go online that company is all over . Just been through all this with a 2013. Good luck .
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    The 2z is NOT worthy of this work . The shop should know this . Setting self up here . Think. open deck is weak design .
  4. TroublesomeCorvid

    TroublesomeCorvid New Member

    Oct 5, 2022
    San Antonio, TX
    2013 Prius
    You're talking about this like as if I got money to spare. Which I don't. Unless you can find a good engine for under $600 (including the cost of shipping), then it's gonna cost me a lot less to rebuild this engine instead of buying one. I'm already familiar enough with JDM importers to know that it's gonna cost me at least twice what I'll spend going whole-hog on the rebuild. And I also know that buying locally from a rebuild shop may cost less, but not by much, because they know what the importers charge, and they want to charge nearly as much so they make more money than the importers.

    I don't know what your qualifications are, but I was a Mk45 5"/54 Gun Technician in the Navy. This is a gun that has well-over a thousand moving parts to it because it's more than just what you see on the ceck of the ship - it's also the 20-round ready-service carousel magazine directly underneath it, and the ammunition hoists that go down to the deep magazine below the ship's waterline. It's also the 440 volt 3-phase AC power supply and the computer that control the whole thing. There is all kinds of work that needs to be done to keep it running smoothly. Rebuilding an engine pales in comparison to some of the things I did working on that gun.

    So, kindly, do not make assumptions about what I am capable of or what I am willing to do. You do not know me.

    The only reason I'm here asking about this is because I am not familiar with the effects that the antifreeze will have on the engine's internal wearing components such as the main bearings and piston rings.
  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Great retired Army Armored div . Won't even go into ranks and all that nonsense it's not necessary many years and all over Europe. Doesn't have much to do with this year but have at it I've seen two or three blow up right after they get done with their $800 head over halls The bottom end is weak take that or leave it that's all I can tell you The 2z. Was weak coming out the gate in Corollas so unless you can get one of these 2016 things where things have been changed like pistons and what have you you might be seeing this problem again or you might not make it completely go away with your head over haul I wish you luck my friend I wasn't trying to be rude or ugly I've been through this a few times with the z engine it's called an open deck engine Read about it online whatever I hope it works out for you I have two gen three's and two gen twos and by no means any expert but I've been with Toyota for 40 years since 1969 ke Corollas 1.1 engines racing grease same engine goes on little hydro boats that they race for many years The z engine is a weak link in the chain of Toyodadom. I am sorry that's the case Good luck

    TMR-JWAP Senior Member

    Aug 12, 2016
    Columbia, SC
    2007 Prius
    So I've been told by the folks at the machine shop, since the antifreeze that our beloved little cars use is based on an organic acid, it'll screw up most anything inside if left to its own devices, meaning that tearing the whole engine apart is a must in order to make sure you get every last drop of that stuff out of there.

    This is the absolutely dumbest thing I've ever heard. Are they saying that the coolant doesn't normally make contact with metal surfaces in the engine? I guess that organic acid is eating through the cylinder walls on the water jacket side and eating through all the coolant passages in the head and throttle body also. Hell, our engines must all be on the ragged edge of falling apart. Guess we're totally F'ed on the transaxle and inverters too. Time for us to all just scrap our cars...........

    OAT coolants are wonderful for corrosion protection on aluminum and cast iron/steel. Maybe not so much for copper/brass in older cars.

    If only replacing the head gasket, all the fluids get drained. The head gets removed and cleaned. The gasket surfaces get checked. Pieces get replaced. Engine gets fresh fluids. Engine is 'run tested'. Oil gets changed again. Hot oil/engine evaporates non-oil fluids and out the PCV. Any bad stuff is mostly gone. Gets better with every oil change.
    #6 TMR-JWAP, Oct 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2022
    Grit likes this.
  7. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    All I seem to notice is that the ZZ engine and the ZFXE engine the ones ZZ these open deck thingies I think there's an A engine or just weak designs probably on purpose. They're nothing like the old 3T 4T 3S series beams engines and all that stuff the engines above are nothing like these nothing
  8. TroublesomeCorvid

    TroublesomeCorvid New Member

    Oct 5, 2022
    San Antonio, TX
    2013 Prius
    Thanks much! I'll probably still want to do something to clear the worst of it out, but at least now I can proceed with my original plans of basic cleaning and replacing only what needs to be replaced (gaskets, water pump, timing chain).

    I admit, it is pretty dumb, but I wanted to be better safe than sorry since the materials used in things like the bearings are not the same as those used in the block itself. And in the military, even though things are made to withstand abuse, there's also the mindset of, "We designed it specifically for use with this chemical - do not deviate or you will destroy our equipment!"