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What is your DTE after fill-up? (Gen 5)

Discussion in 'Gen 5 Prius Fuel Economy & Prime EV Range' started by Gokhan, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. Preebee

    Preebee Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2020
    2023 Prius
    My "DTE" is constantly updating indicating my ultimate miles till empty will be higher than first estimated. This is the problem with the logic; if your driving efficiency changes from tank to tank, your DTE will be useless. Last tank I had some very long idle times w/ AC running, in hot weather (for my dog). This tank I am being diligent to not have those wasteful moments so I can "see what I can get". I'm on track to get about 680 miles on this tank. But my DTE currently estimates 630.10 remaining. I didn't remember to take a photo of my DTE after last fill-up, but I'm guessing it was around 600 miles, because that's what I got last tank.
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