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What's going to be the deciding issue for the prez election 2008?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by burritos, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Corporate America will decide and make the rest of us think it was our idea. :angry:
  2. acdii

    acdii Active Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 27 2007, 11:44 AM) [snapback]544760[/snapback]</div>

    Amen to that! What is funny about the economy is it doesn't tank over night, it doesn't jump up overnight either. it is a gradual thing that takes years to come about. A good example was how well the economy did under Clinton, which was actually the result of economics put in place by Bush the 1st. Who's to say that the economy tanking as it is doesn't have some effect to it from what Clinton had put in place? The current situation with people who are losing their homes really has nothing to do with political policies, but more along the lines of the low interest rates and mortgage lenders seeing an opportunity to take advantage of people by suckering them into low interest VARP loans knowing full well that when interest rates go up, so will the mortgage rates, and then the people buy more house than they could have afforded under normal interest rates. It isn't the governments fault people did this and are now losing their homes. Of course now those same companies that sold these home loans are failing because the people they sold the loans to cant pay them.

    Iran will be a hot issue in the years to come, the last thing we need is a nuclear capable country who would have no fear to use them. What kept us safe during the cold war with USSR was the fact that neither side was willing to press the button knowing full well what the outcome would be. Iran though, I doubt they care what would happen if they lit a few of them off. Pakistan is a hotspot right now, they don't have a stable government and are 100% fully nuclear capable. thankfully cooler heads prevailed with N. Korea as they are dismantling their arsenal and shutting everything down. They got what they wanted.

    With Iraq, all I hear is this we have to get out, but to date No ONE, repeat NO ONE has come up with an exit strategy that will leave a functioning government in place there, all we hear is we have to pull out now. One major issue I have is the lack of intelligent coverage of what is happening over there. All that you hear is what bad things are happening, but you really don't hear about what good has happened. The last strategy that was used there with the push of more troops worked, but you don't hear anything about it in the media, just "more soldiers killed". Lest we forget, it is a war zone, and if anyone looks back in history, soldiers die in war. Why we went there in the first place is neither here nor there at this point, the fact is we went, now we need to clean it up. Think back to after WWII, how many years did we have a presence in Japan and Germany, how many years did it take to clean up and rebuild those countries?

    A lot of the bad mouthing you hear in regards to the Republicans over shadows a lot of the good that has happened. In either case, both parties are responsible for the mess this country is in. I want a candidate who can tell me that he can clean up the mess that was made without ripping more money out of my wallet and taking food out of my children's mouths. I also want a candidate who will seal our borders from the riffraff coming from the south, and north you darn Canadians you! (j/k) I want to hear a viable plan to force those here to either leave and enter the proper way or a way for them to become citizens without amnesty. I have an idea on that, next time they all get together for one of their marches, have the INS step in after they have all gathered and ask them for their papers.
  3. JackDodge

    JackDodge Gold Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    Bloomfield Hills, MI
    Other Hybrid
    heh, that's an easy one. For the republicans, the mantra will be that the world will end if they aren't reelected and stop those nasty democrats. For the democrats, the mantra will be 'vote for us because we're not Bush'. Depending on which fear is most poignant for the most voters, one will be the deciding issue.