Oi! Tenho um prius 2013 e sempre leio sobre a limpeza da válvula EGR e os problemas da junta na cabeça. Apesar de termos pouquíssimos prius gen 3 no Brasil, nunca vi esses problemas aqui. Fui procurar a válvula EGR para fazer a limpeza como visto aqui, mas não a encontrei. Onde está o EGR? Fotos do meu prius:
Os carros brasileiros usam etanol e, portanto, provavelmente não precisam de válvula de recirculação de gases de escapamento. (Brazillian cars use 100 %ethanol, and so they probably do not need an exhaust gas recirculation system such as that used by nasty old American gasoline burners.....)
I always heard that the prius sold here in Brazil was the same as in Europe or Canada, do they also not have EGR? The gasoline fuel sold here is really poor quality and contains 27% anhydrous ethanol
Oh? I thought that the last time I was there Brazil used a higher concentration of Ethanol - as high as 100% It might be the very fact that Brazilian fuels differ widely in your 26 states, as opposed to our 50 states which (for better or worse) have more or less the same gasoline quality. Our gasoline is mostly a10% ethanol blend with some states offering 0% ethanol and others that use 85% ethanol...but the fuel itself is of about the same QUALITY. Our federal regulations are....for better or worse....probably much more tightly enforced.
here are only two car fuels here: Petrol (E27) Ethanol (100%) ethanol is used in Flex fuel cars. Curiosity, the prius works with 100% ethanol, just turn on the ECU light, but everything goes smoothly. the current cost of ethanol is very high, gasoline has been the preference.
Quick comment: If you right click the the link becomes available and the pictures are there: No EGR system....