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Whining noise near inverter when charging the 12 volt battery?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by Braddles.au, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Braddles.au

    Braddles.au DEFAnitely using an EBH

    Jan 25, 2012
    Canberra, Australia
    2010 Prius
    My 12 volt battery is flat. I attached my CTEK MXS 5.0 and started on the Normal setting. I figured (wrongly it seems) that having the battery charger attached would help starting the car. The green light displayed when I depressed the brake pedal and I pressed the Start button, but everything went dim and the brake pump slowly wound into life. The Start button glowed was on but no other functions started.
    I pressed Start again and the light went out.
    Now when I connect the battery charger, a whining noise starts from near the inverter. The speed varies; dropping from a peak and rising again, and there's probably a pattern to it.
    I've disconnected the charger a few times and the noise stops immediately.
    I wonder if the car has not switched itself off.
    I've disconnected the charger and I'm waiting some period of time before connecting it again to see if something will fall asleep. If not, I'll just have to climb over the back and disconnect the battery from the car before I charge it.

    But what is causing the whining noise?
  2. Bill Norton

    Bill Norton Senior Member

    Dec 15, 2012
    MONW, Ks.
    2010 Prius
    Disconnect the ground wire from the 12 V battery in the back right side luggage area.
    Measure that little battery with a digital volt meter.
    If it's lower than 10 VDC, STOP EVERYTHING, get your new battery on order.
    The car does not play with less than 10 VDC.

    You could:
    Charge the disconnected battery overnight, if you can.
    Disconnect the charger, wait a few minutes, and measure the battery again.
    If it is not above ~12 VDC bring the new battery to the car.
    If it is above 12 VDC, reconnect and try to start the car. Hopefully everything has reset !!
    Drive the car straight to the shop that has the waiting battery.

    You could ask the shop to give the new battery a gentle topping charge, < 2 amps. Stop the topping charge around 14.5 Volts.

    Good Luck !!
    TsKarma likes this.
  3. Braddles.au

    Braddles.au DEFAnitely using an EBH

    Jan 25, 2012
    Canberra, Australia
    2010 Prius
    I pulled the battery from the car and ran the RECONdition cycle on the charger.
    I can't find my multimeter. However the charger has a number of programs that verify that the battery will accept a charge and will maintain the charge.
    Despite that, a new battery in is my near future... I can see it.

    I suspect that the car was not switched off properly when I tried to charge before and the inverter coolant pump was spinning.