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Why I Think Cindy Sheehan is a NUTJOB.

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Mystery Squid, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. MyPria

    MyPria New Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    Colorful Colorado
  2. Hallowday

    Hallowday New Member

    Jan 13, 2006
    Indianapolis, IN
    Most of the posters on this thread are typical of the problems with our government today. Our elected leaders are so obsessed with hatred for the other party they spend most of their time trying to figure out a way to undermine the other. Both parties are guilty of it. At some point somebody is going to have to take the partison blinders off. There will always be many issues over which we all disagree but to disagree with everything because the President supports it or the Republicans support it or the Democrats support it is crazy. I didn't like Clinton as our President but did like some of his policies. I do not like a lot of what Bush has done but I don't disagree with everything. I also still respect the office of the President and would never dream of saying some of the things that many of you post. I'd love to see one of you spend 4 years as President of this great country of ours. :(

    PS: Squid you are hilarious. You keep stirring the pot and are enjoying this way too much. :eek:
  3. Subversive

    Subversive New Member

    Sep 28, 2005
    Dude, you are in luck! Pretty soon, nobody will ever mistake you for a "chickenhawk." You are 33 years old and the Army just extended its recruiting age to 35. Some people are just cowards who like to shoot off their mouths, but not you. I'm sure that you are no craven yellow chicken, you will put your money where your mouth is. Because the military has been falling short of their recruitment goals lately (shhh! it's kind of a secret!), and they desperately need people with skills such as yourself who really believe in this war and this president to answer their country's call. So go and kill some towelheads for the nice folks at PriusChat, and then come back and tell us about it when your tour is over. Visit your local army recruiter today! Your country needs you, Squid. Uncle Dubya needs you!

  4. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    Yep, yep, yep. It is called "The Argument Culture" (tis a book, and a very good one) Because we INSIST on polarizing everything, it becomes more and more difficult to find common ground.

    I don't agree with a lot of what Squid says...but I agree with what I think his overall point is.

    I support the right of Cindy Sheehan to profess her beliefs. I support the right of those who disagree with her to disagree with her.

    I do not understand those who have the audacity to compare ANYTHING the US does to terrorism and compare Bush to Hitler or Terrorists.

    When you do that, you alienate the VAST majority of Americans. Tone down the rhetoric. Can't you disagree ...... civilly?
  5. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    Oh, I think Cindy is a nutjob because of the WAY she expresses her beliefs. And yes, if you think Bush is worse than terrorists, or Stalin, or Pol Pot, and America is worse than N. Korea, or Somalia, or Iran, or Iraq....well....sorry....I think you are a nutjob as well.

    The TONE of debate has gone too far..........mostly on the Liberal side because they are the ones professing such comparisons.
  6. Subversive

    Subversive New Member

    Sep 28, 2005
    I'm not crazy about Cindy Sheehan, but, yes, I think anyone who would say that she is worse than Bush or Rove or Cheney....well....sorry....I think you are a nutjob as well.
  7. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    why does it always come to this...? "well why don't YOU go serve in the army then?"


    IIRC Squid wanted to join the service but didn't qualify somehow.

    i myself was disqualified, permanent back injury and such. i would have been happy to go work in an army lab to learn more about counteracting biological warfare or test immunizations for safety. what the hell did i do the last 4-almost 5- years of my life? what do i study for cryin' out loud? the effect of drugs (including biological toxins) on living systems... so why would i have to run a mile or lift 100 lbs to do that? i don't know.

    my good childhood friend was in afghanistan. and korea. and iraq. and went back to iraq after a brief return to the states. he told me about the things he saw there. he published (some of) his war journal on a blog. it was amazing. this twentysomething, just a kid, and all the things he had to grapple with internally day to day. he never agreed with the reason he was there, but it was his job and he accepted that. and he fought with himself over whether doing the right thing (following orders, serving your country) for the wrong reason was still right. and that boy, that relatively immature boy who needed to straighten out his priorities in life so he joined the army in august 2001, became a man very quickly. he is now one of my most respected friends, although i don't talk to him often.

    soldiers should know what they're getting into. i think many do. all the soldiers i've met have willingly gone to iraq, afghanistan, wherever they are told to go and loyally do their duty until they're told to come home. it's a horrible thing that so many have to die, and i don't agree with why they're there. i think it's tragic that anyone, including cindy sheehan, had to lose a child, any family member, for a war. and she has a right to grieve. and she's within her rights to express herself. the rest of the country is within their rights to criticize her, but i don't think it's doing anyone any good on any side in this situation.
  8. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    I think some of these kids are enlisting because they have nothing else going for them. They are not college material, they don't have rich parents so they follow the military. I have a friend whose husband is a Lt Commander. He as done virtually nothing for many years, just classes on our dime. He does not go to war, he does no hard labor. The little guys barely get enough money to live on, their wives are young and with children in tow that they are poorly equiped to raise "alone". The Lt Commander gets so much money that they don't know what to do with it. I feel sorry for these young people. I am sure many of them did not think that being in the National Gaurd was going to land them in a war.
  9. Subversive

    Subversive New Member

    Sep 28, 2005
    This new Flash tune seems somewhat on topic...

  10. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005

    Truth be told, you're absolutely on target, and thanks for being rational.

    I've already determined long ago you can't have a decent argument with MOST people (I think the last one I had was in a high school debate class where everyone was forced to write down each of their points). No one wants their longstanding beliefs to be challenged or threatened, for as soon as it does, they quickly start getting on the defensive, or jump on the offensive putting more effort into spinning than arguing :lol: . Makes me wonder if all these people do is sit around and "argue" only with like minded people versus anyone else with opposing viewpoints.

    These message boards are great litmus tests for such. I can't even count how many posts I've baited various individuals simply to expose how bias EASILY eclipses any form of logic, and how easily tensions flare, which is a spectacular indicator of subject matter self confidence (or, in many cases, lack thereof). Some have caught on to this early on, some haven't, and some probably know to what extent (but not many :p ). Try it yourself, go onto any active non-right leaning message board and post something amongst the lines of how the decision to go into Iraq was correct regardless of WMD's, and witness the reactions. Try it the other way around if you feel you can do better that way. :lol: It's truly fascinating.

    The point is, THIS, is directly analogous to what you speak of, actually, it's a perfect reflection of the communication break down which has politically polarized this country. Truthfully, I have never, ever, witnessed such a thing. I have various theories, but they're way out of the scope of this post (plus, it's getting late).

    That being said, I do, however, place a great share of the blame on the Bush administration.

    Hear that everyone???!!! :lol: :lol:

    If anything the communication from "the top" has been terrible (and I do acknowledge there may very well be a good reason for it), and many people are left out in the cold to draw their own conclusions. It's like some sort of large scale panic disorder perfectly analogous to someone sitting at a subway station whereas no train ever comes, and only vague, ambiguous, announcements are made. You begin to lose faith the train will come, and it quickly turns into anger against the people running the subway system, and ultimately, the President....

    For example, they should have made the argument for Iraq assuming BOTH scenarios, with WMD's and without. So far (excluding the WMD's), the only reason I've heard, was when Cheney spit out something amongst the lines of, "It's the highest probability as being the nexus of terrorism". That concept on its own is totally reasonable, and valid if it were just expanded upon. Problem is, we got too cocky and focused on the WMD's, expectations were set as such, and all of a sudden, the bottom falls out, Saddam was laughing in his hole until he got dragged out of it, and we all end up looking like asses in front of the world (which, arguably, might have been Saddam's intention in the first place (this too is a reasonable argument lost in the sands, so to speak)). IMHO, the communication breakdown is the REAL culprit, the President and his administration aren't fools (yes, go ahead have a field day with that one), and like anyone and anything, they can't all be perfect at everything.

    So here we are, divided we stand....

  11. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    2245 Dead. How many more?
  12. nmgreen

    nmgreen New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Oh, MSquid, you sound so much more refined and evolved than everyone else. How refreshing!

    But I'm just a tad confused by your tremendous powers of reasoning and facility with words. So, "Problem is, we got too cocky and focused on the WMD's..."? You mean we SHOULD have invaded Iraq, the country we devasted economically with 10 years of medicine and medical supplies and food embargo, because you actually think they were a credible threat of any degree to us? (and more than NKorea?) Based on known-to-be-false intelligence, acknowledged as such by our own and other competent foreign intelligence agencies that the administration refused to listen to? Because they didn't have WMD's, or any possibility of having them ANYTIME soon; because of 9-11; because of phony reports of SH being closely connected to OBL (a rabid secularist with a rabid fundamentalist Muslim!)?? "Osama bin Laden? Who? Oh. I don't spend much time thinking about him."

    Damn, that so "made us look like asses." I hate that!

    And why was it so imperative to go after SH, just months after US invaded Afghanistan, and subbed out and then just kind of forgot about the search for OSL so that we could invade Iraq? Tell me. I forget. 9-11?

    And you are so right: Cindy Sheehan SHOULD have been arrested for wearing a t-shirt that would have offended GB if he were to see it. We can't permit the "niceties" like a Bill of Rights to stand in the way of GB defending freedom for the world. Casey Sheehan enlisted- that means he was resolved to die for any reason Bush and Cheney wanted to give (even if they did "miscommunicate" wrong reasons to the public over and over again 9-11). Yeah- he wanted to. What's she whining for? She's dishonoring his commitment when he enlisted to doing whatever he was told by his commander-in-chief, like the "good Germans" did. And she is being so un-American by questioning "our" president. (Remember 9-11. Endless war.)

    I think the president is doing a swell job defending us. It's not his fault, is it, that our ongoing invasions have proven such a powerful recruiting tool for jihad? And he looks sooo good in a military costume ("Mission Accomplished!" Alright!) I think his performance as one who has led our troops into this righteous and just crusade (well, I use the term "led" loosley) to make the whole world safe pretty much makes up for all the time he missed serving out his full Texas Air National Guard term, don't you?

    Thanks, and I look forward to you schooling us all again soon! Have a great day! And don't forget 9-11! :)
  13. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Looks like you've got it all worked out, no need for any of my input!

    Just remember, Afghanistan, on Sept. 10, 2001 had no WMD's either...

  14. nmgreen

    nmgreen New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
    Hey, you're right!
    And Saudi Arabia doesn't have any WMDs either. But they have and generously support lots of Wahabists (sp?). And they have lots of oil, too. And they need to be taught democracy. They sound like a perfect next target! :D
  15. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    ...judging by that answer, this can't go anywhere...

    Sorry man... ;)
  16. parrot_lady

    parrot_lady Member

    Aug 17, 2005
    Chicago Burbs
    we have no draft. Those that signed up for the army/airforce/navy/etc were'nt FORCED to do so. They knew the consquences of being activated for duty. Or at least, lets hope they learned something about the previous wars in our failing school system.

    Cindy is a nutjob. Yes she lost a kid- deserves sympathy . But as far as I know no one FORCED him to sign those papers or to enlist. He CHOSE to do so. Unless that is we've raised a generation of people that aren't able to think for themselves and quesiton what they are able to do or not do.
  17. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Cindy was a NUTJOB long before her son was killed in Iraq. His death just gave her the platform she so longingly desired. Why does the press keep covering her?
  18. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    "Maybe you should go find bin laden. "

    Good idea. SOMEbody has to, since Bush has apparently given up the search.

    "I don't think about him much."
  19. dipper

    dipper Senior Member

    May 4, 2005

    Okay. I vote for her to search for bin laden herself. Then she will really have save all the young man from dying.... instead of camping around the USA talking to the media about her son (for the next 50 years?)
  20. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Arguing that our military being in Iraq somehow lessens our resolve to find Osama demonstrates a lack of knowledge on the part of those who would utter such nonsense.

    The war in Iraq is a military operation – Army, Navy, Air Force. The hunt for Osama is an intelligence operation – CIA, NRO, NSA, NCTC, NGIA, FBI, DHSOIA, along with investigative branches of the State Department, Justice Department, Energy Department, Treasury Department, and even the freakin' Department of Motor Vehicles!

    Question for the Iraq war naysayers: If your mission is to find Osama, exactly how would you redeploy the troops out of Iraq in order to better fulfill you mission??? [this 'otta be good :rolleyes: ]