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You all convinced me. Just bought my first!

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by alltherightpills, May 25, 2021.

  1. alltherightpills

    alltherightpills Junior Member

    May 20, 2021
    St. Louis, MO
    2011 Prius
    Hi Friends,

    I just picked up my first Prius (used 2011, 130000mi) last weekend. Everybody on this site really influenced that decision - the shared knowledge is impressive and appreciated. Makes me that much more confident that this ride is gonna be a good one.

    Shout out to @NutzAboutBolts for the 3rd gen maintenance videos. Thanks to you, I took the money I would've spent at a mechanic and spent a fraction of it on tools and materials. In the past week, I went from never wrenching on a car before to DIY changing oil & filter, both air filters, spark plugs, transmission fluid, and coolant. Brake service is up next. (I suppose I should mention that I repair & build tube audio amplifiers in my spare time - not shy with tools or high voltage, just never had my hands in / under a car)
    ramolnar likes this.