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I want to run on propane

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by 2007blueprius, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Justdidit

    Justdidit LVNPZEV

    Jun 12, 2012
    Carrollton, Texas
    2007 Prius
    Four Touring
    Thats Awesome. CNC.. I believe PC user 'Kenny Raichert' was looking for a similar setup. Maybe He'd like to get one also and split the shipping to the US??

    2004 prius hydrogen car need help to convert to cng | PriusChat

    I'm still interested in their EM that will allow the OEM ECU not to freak out.
  2. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    dont confuse lpg for cng, not the same thing, althou I believe those kits woud do either CNG=compressed natural gas to about 3000 psi I hear, not into it, lpg = liquid petroleum gas aka propane 150 psi I believe big diference allthou fuels are rather simmilar at normal temps propane becoms liquid under moderate pressure , makes it more portable,
    anywho, I'm mot sure if the user you speak of is still arround or in the market, I read his thread I dont remember if it was recent thou, now would be the time, I don't want to shop aroound forever and I am pretty confortable with these italians, the guy is still talking to me from home, he did go out of his way to help me, like I said that kind of stuff goes a long way with me, still no word from the brit or the polock, here's some links he sent me, I watched them last night.
    also I am attaching a wire diagram, he sent for homework, I have not had a chance to look at it yet, as for EM I asume engine management, they are all rather simmilar of course each have their diferences and software, but for the most part they are "slave" type, they listen to the oem, and match the requests with respect to the different fuel, I read in that british website, its not that simple as propane is beeing injected as a gas and there are signifficant diferences measuring it at different temperatures, all in all from what I gathered so far all these manufacturers are pretty competitive, products are rather similar and I've come to understand there is no best kit, kind of like computers, latest today will be history tomorow, as long as its decent quality should do the trick, after all I know I'm a geek but how far do you want to take this.

    Attached Files:

  3. mrbigh

    mrbigh Prius Absolutum Dominium

    Sep 6, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    Other Electric Vehicle
    I made an inquire to this company tho
  4. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    and ? I'm a bit unclear,
    check theyr you tube chanel, there is a dino example shows more hp than gas, of course burns mor volume im sure
  5. GasperG

    GasperG Senior Member

    May 13, 2011
    2018 Prius
    Also try this system:
    Prins Autogassystemen BV

    where I live they are installing this system in Prius and Auris Hybrid, they are expensive but I hear also very reliable.

    In general expect 20% more fuel consumption with any system, this depends on the propane butane mixture (energy value). A cheaper system will start with gasoline when cold, a more expensive system will provide valve care with some sort of lubrication, on some engines it's not needed.
  6. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I apreciate the feedback, I have come across prins, and they do have a rep in the states, I'm pretty sure that was the one sugarcoated sales pich I mentiond, no upfront cost , easy financing, fine print, $58oo
    dont get me wrong I read good reviews about prins, and they are refered to as top of the line, its just that their rep out here is a greedy pig, it the american side of prins that disgusted me, too many suits screwing arround yearlong making 1/4 mil thats what that is, I wont even consider them, if I do end up with prins, I have to find a distribuitor in europe and see if I can have them ship it
  7. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I read about the valve lubrication but none of the systems I looked at had it (maybe that 5800 one does ) however, not sure as ho how they achieve it, something I read mentioned it could damage the cat, sounded like a 2 stroke type setup, where some oil is injected in the intake, that be the case, I'm not sure I want it if it were free let alone pay extra, I cant see any other way besides, machinework to the engine to bring more oil to the valves
  8. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    came across "lovato" another brand, looks like theres dozens of manufacturers, could not folow theyr site as I did not notice an english button, or any other for that matter. not sure what in waz but they mention something about ac stag, who knows they may be related
  9. css28

    css28 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    Suburban Detroit
    2011 Prius
    While imperfect, I've been using the Google Chrome browser lately and on any page in a foreign language you can do a right click to have it all translated into English.
  10. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    yes I knew that trick, my point is there are so many. what to do? I got an answear from the brit, althou he wont divulge any of his secrets, ( he's selling a surprise box basicaly with his guarantee that components have been properly selected to fit and perform as best to his knowledge for my aplication) he did advice against the gasitaly kit I posted earlier, I can't confirm this, I just dont know better, but he sais its not a fully sequential procesor, it reads #1 cyl impulses, fires all the gas injectors based on that reading and rpm, and while it works, it is not as advanced as others that calculate each pulse with respect to oem impulse for that cyl, something about hesitation, he wrote a lot, more than I do.
    either way I looked up the exchange, the italian kit, is about $320 the specialy selected yorkshire surprise kit $480, part per part the component list is about the same, I'm not the guy to cheap out on quality/tecknology especialy on a prius with all these computers arround. but a surprise kit? come on
  11. Justdidit

    Justdidit LVNPZEV

    Jun 12, 2012
    Carrollton, Texas
    2007 Prius
    Four Touring
    Who is Brit?
  12. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    oh he did mention I either get an valve lube kit now or a head in 20 000 miles, and timing advance is only 2 degrees throughout the rpm if anything is needed beloe 2000 rpm, but prius has a knock sensor and adjusts for octane by itself, makes sense?
  13. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    the british, guy from yorkshire. www.lpgc.co.uk, I posted it earlier
  14. wb9k

    wb9k 09 Gen II Prius w Hymotion Plug-In Batt

    Oct 27, 2012
    Commerce, MI, USA
    2009 Prius

    It was a serious question, not a swipe.

    Full disclosure: I work for A123 Systems, in the warranty group. My Hymotion pack was "free" to me, salvaged from lab test leftovers and installed by me and a friend. So of course, I am saving money big time on this deal, given that electricity works out to be 70+% cheaper than gas by the mile in this car. I appreciate your desire for a cleaner-burning engine but to me, we are at a point where the CO2 is a bigger problem than particulates and other toxins, which are quite well-controlled in modern cars, especially one like the Prius which rarely idles. Oil may be among the worst of the fossil fuels, but the problem with cars is not the gas, it's the combustion engine. I'm not a fan of replacing gas with yet another fossil fuel because the environmental improvement is slim to nil, and the gross inefficiencies of the ICE remain--or get even worse. Granted, 65% of my electricity is generated by coal, and that's not good either, but even at that I'm already achieving a major reduction in CO2, and probably other emissions too when one considers the whole supply chain for gas. More and more electricity comes from renewable sources as time goes on, so it is only going to get cleaner. We will never be able to say that about any fossil fuel.

    I can't argue that your approach is more cost-effective from a personal finance standpoint, but like you I feel this is about much more than a few bucks out of my pocket.

    I don't want to hijack your thread, but I want to address some other points you make which just aren't right. You mention the Li supply as a cause for concern, and I see this trotted out with greater regularity as other stock criticisms against EVs fall away. There is no Li metal in a Li-ion battery, and the Li content approaches trivial levels. A123's 20 Ah prismatic cell is less than 2% Li by weight. Some try to argue we will need vast quantities of Li to pull this off but I believe they are exaggerating tremendously. These are not Li primary batteries with Li metal electrodes--not even close. Also, the lifespan of these cells (assuming no defects or system problems) is more like ten years than 3 or 4. And, I would not hesitate to uninstall my pack to move it to another car if I had to. It can certainly be done.

    To me, the goal in the "big picture" is to get away from fossil fuels. EV's are the only path. Today, that usually means a PHEV where the ICE runs as little as possible. Many fleets and some everyday folks can get away with full EV's--and many of them will save money over a conventional vehicle over it's life. This is real right now, it's not a pipe dream. Even a fuel cell car is an EV with a HV battery....the fuel cell is little more than a range extender added on to what would be something like the Leaf today, with the HV battery capacity downsized a bit.

    All that said, it's an interesting project and I wish you the best of luck with it!

  15. Justdidit

    Justdidit LVNPZEV

    Jun 12, 2012
    Carrollton, Texas
    2007 Prius
    Four Touring
    But currently... where do EV's get the biggest % of their energy?

    As you mentioned..Not EVERY Pruis owner bought the hybrid for the eco friendliness... but rather to save $ when driving...with cost per mile ratio... heavy in mind. This while gas/petrol prices soared to almost $5 in CA last summer...and closer to $9 in Europe.
  16. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I can get a bit pasionate sometimes thou I mean no harm, my reply was legitimate too,
    this is a tipical response what are you trying to acomplish? I read somewhere that in the rece for alternative fuels the us picks winners, ev was voted, there is little to none interest in other technologies thou they may be more promissing, ex biodiesel, dead in the watter.
    not to hyjack my own post but am am rather into ev tech, I have an ebike smallscale experiment and I plan on a windmill to charge it given the dirty electricity mentioned, heck doing away with dte is up there on my list of things to do, thou small scale involves bateries expensive inverters, not to get into it too deep there is no payout, theres got to be a different way, too much for too little type deal.
    and not to pick on you again but look at what you are saing, its not like those hymotions are free for everybody, if you're going to truly evaluate it, leave aside your personal perks of the job, keep in mind I'm not trying to piss you off, next time you have the chalenge of disposing of a defective kit I'll gladly be of service, I wont charge you much to dispose of it :)
    as for cycles by all means please elaborate, I was under the impression a tipical lion, is rated for 1000 cycles at 80 % discharge, say 2000 at 60%, times whatever range you get out of it, its only good for so many miles, and mind you I'm throwing numbers out there thou I believe I'm pretty close, 1000 cycles / 365 days theres me 3 years estimate, and you get what 11 miles out of 4kw, that I may be wrong on, I think the pip has 11 miles not sure of capacity, say I'm somewhat in the ballpark , consider that $7 000 batery pack in your cost per mile than we can talk, I know the electric motors are 90 % efficient versus, what 20%on the ice, but the rest of the system has losses usualy neclected, there are generating loses, transmission, charging, batery internal resistance converters, by the time it makes it to the motor, don't quote me on this youre down to 50%, and than the motor can use 90% of that, take the cost involved into consideration, youre not saving $ nor the enviroment, at best may break even give or take a neglectable amount, also keep in mind there is no such thing as free, somebody paid for it and likely through the wall street chain it washed down into the national debt pot. just a thoght, I'm not originally from arround here the first thing I noticed you all use that word way too loosely, I'm sure I could go on but its enough.
  17. Justdidit

    Justdidit LVNPZEV

    Jun 12, 2012
    Carrollton, Texas
    2007 Prius
    Four Touring
    Anything like this?

    This Is pretty cool and doesn't require much other than feeding yourself. (y)
  18. wb9k

    wb9k 09 Gen II Prius w Hymotion Plug-In Batt

    Oct 27, 2012
    Commerce, MI, USA
    2009 Prius
    Fossil fuels. But 35% of my electricity (and growing) comes from renewables. 0% of fossil fuels do, and that figure will never change. This is a non-argument.
  19. wb9k

    wb9k 09 Gen II Prius w Hymotion Plug-In Batt

    Oct 27, 2012
    Commerce, MI, USA
    2009 Prius
    No worries. Believe me, the biz I'm in tends to make one overly defensive, and I can get riled up with the best of them so no harm, no foul.

    I don't believe we should be pursuing EV technology to the exclusion of everything else (I like bioDiesel too, as you can probably see from my sig line). I envision a period where oil is replaced by an array of (preferably carbon-neutral) options that will likely (but not necessarily) narrow over time. It's counterproductive to make it mandatory for a technology to wholly, singlehandedly, displace what we use today, just like it's counterproductive to dismiss EV's because they don't present an identical experience to drivers as today's conventional vehicles. Those are made-up problems we need to get over. We also need to be very careful about how we analyze "the big picture". Your efficiency comments above are a good example. Yes, there are losses at multiple stages of electric generation and delivery, though they are mostly similary small to the losses in the car itself--for example charging losses are typically well under 10%, considering losses in BOTH the charger and cells themselves. But more to the point, are you simultaneously considering the losses in the supply chain for oil? Or what it has cost to wage the wars we have to protect a "cheap" supply? I firmly believe that when those things are factored in, cars like the Volt are a bargain--right now.

    A123's cells are good for 3,000-5,000 cycles, depending on the application, before their capacity falls to ~70%, which is generally considered end-of-life for automotive purposes. At that point, those cells still have considerable life left in them for other uses. Repurposing of used automotive cells is a developing area with intense interest, and should take significant sting out of battery replacement.

    So, yes there are problems here like with any technology, but I have yet to see one that I considered to be anything like unsolveable. I don't like to point at the Hymotion pack as an example of what's possible today because frankly, it's virtually obsolete at this point, in almost every way. The systems we make today are cheaper, better engineered, and most importantly, better integrated into the vehicles they are used in. That latter translates into much better bang for the buck. 70-100 mpg in a Gen II Prius is pretty good, but it can't stack up against the 150-200 mpg I would get with a PIP or Volt in the same driving conditions. Note that there is no range anxiety with any of the above.

    We're all on the same team here at the end of the day. Your goals are noble, and I wish you all the best. LP may not solve the carbon problem, but last I checked we weren't fighting any wars over the stuff, so that's a step in the right direction. I still think electric drivetrains are where the future lies, whatever the primary power source may be.

    All the best,
  20. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    theres no debate that fosil should be absolete, thou the volt is no deal, 45k last I checked, most I ever spent was a brand new cavalier, you can get 3 for that price, or say 2 + propane fore their lifetime, you mention ev dont present identical exp to drivers, pip or volt may not, dont know havent been arround them, but as a general rule they perform much better, like I said, my bike its in pieces right now, tinkering, but its something I can relate to, I have 1kw hub motor, not sure what those gas 66cc-80cc are rated for, but up to 35mph it outperforms my wifes 250cc, by the seat of my pants, so I may be off a bit, electric has its purpose, at the moment its not even in its infancy, cal, az, or any other place where solar makes sense like toronto, I'm thinking its all niagara, here its not even an embrio.
    anywho, if any of you are arround have a look at this:
    Good morning,
    Please find below a quotation for a full kit lpg.
    I am proposing the compact OBD and the standard OBDII:


    GI ECU Set F5 COMPACT OBD 4 Cyl.
    Rail 4 Cyl. Injectors
    Rail 4 Cyl. Injectors
    Gas Filter
    Gas Filter
    Tomasetto reducer mod. ALASKA
    Tomasetto reducer mod. ALASKA
    Mounting Set
    Mounting Set
    Copper Pipe 6mm x 6m
    Copper Pipe 6mm x 6m
    Copper Pipe 8mm x 2m
    Copper Pipe 8mm x 2m
    Multivalve Tomasetto AT02 with sensor
    Multivalve Tomasetto AT02 with sensor
    Tomasetto Refilling Set
    Tomasetto Refilling Set
    Hoses for gas 12x19x1 m
    Hoses for gas 12x19x1 m
    Hoses for gas 5x11 x 2 m
    Hoses for gas 5x11 x 2 m
    Hoses for vacuum 4x9x1,7m
    Hoses for vacuum 4x9x1,7m
    Hoses for water 16x24x1,5m
    Hoses for water 16x24x1,5m
    Tank Toroidal 600/220 47 lt.
    Tank Toroidal 600/220 47 lt.
    Total price : 302,00 euro
    Total price : 332,00 euro

    This is what the gasitaly offers, I realy like this guy, I don't know if any of you watched their videos, even the hoses have the companies name on, looks like a full out shop, the prices you cant even argue with duda diesel, here in alabama, sels the vector, minikit/not complete, as in the first list I posted 245 euro one, for I think $800, and I don't think its a whole lot better, I just dont know.
    The only thing I'm still considering, there is a huge selection out there, everybody and their grandma makes one, there's no way I can properly evaluate all of them and make a good choice, I'm not getting much help arround here either, some brought up some names and it helps, I was looking more for specifics, this is what the shop in england sells, and I dont mind paying extra and buy from them but they are killing me with this surprise box they sell, I know the guy knows his stuff and he brought up some concerns, the gas italy module in plain words its basic, or so he claims, and injectors not as reliable, the ac stag 300 the other user posted, pops up everytime you run google, or you tube, injector names like valtek, it seems like these are the good kits or over advertised, and acording to mandrei's conversion they are pretty reasonable too I think it ran him $630 shipped. Im looking so far at 332e*1.3 =$431 leaves me plenty for shipping, obviously even by the price this kit kind of sound cheap, but dam it its complete from a to z, forget the basic brain, and supposedly unreliable injectors, from where I stand the rest of the stuff is worth the $alone
    and the other components the name like tomassetto alaska, I came across before I'm under the impression is one of the good ones. computer and injectors can be upgraded later guess thats where I'm going with this, if they need to, there is also the possibility it will do fine, were talking about 76hp for crist sake, supposedly the way these italian modules are built leaves them hesitant at low end, well hell the prius is hessitant alltogether.
    any input is apreciated